Dani Ward



3 years, 11 months ago


Dani████ Ward
4'1ft (125cm)
Tales from the Loop
Gehenna Valley
A mess


 A kid who simutaniously takes pride and shame in their ambiguity.

 Dani is a huge lover of mischief, often calling their schemes and tomfoolery 'art'. Their pranks can range from simple things like setting off an air horn or sneaking a bug(dead or alive) into someone's book, to covering a toilet seat with plastic wrap or replacing all the soda in the bottles with soy sauce. They're especially proud of much more elaborate pranks that could fill up an entire room like a series of unfortunate events.
 They aim to outdo themselves with every prank, making one opus after another.

 No one is safe from Dani's bullshit. When their parents aren't home from work yet, their fellow classmates, teachers, and even townspeople fall victim to their pranks. Dani's no stranger to detention, But there has been a few times where Dani has paid a visit to the police station due to some pranks including trespassing, injury, and property damage. They never try to lie out of trouble, but the fact they don't seem like stopping anytime soon is what concerns people.

 Despite wanting everyone to know of them and their 'works', no one knows if "Dani" is actually their name or just a nickname. Nor does anyone know what gender they are(Doesn't help that they respond to all pronouns.) Dani's always covering up completely. They seem shy of showing even the slightest of skin out in public.

About the World:

 Somewhere in the psuedo-80's, Gehenna Valley is a sleepy marsh town located in the middle of nowhere. While surrounded by lush forests and lakes, the only reason it's on the map is due to its huge Gum Factory. But otherwise not much happens in this mill town.

 Well, except for the occasional cryptrid sightings. Gehenna is full of urban legends, but many of the citizens just pass them off as stories to scare children or to keep things interesting. Nevermind that 90% of them are actually real.

 Don't worry about it. The demons will be taken care of eventually, thanks to LOOP; A secret agency with some shady practices, but with the main goal of making sure there are no threats to our reality.

 But lately, that reality seems to be bleeding into surrealism as more and more strange things began showing up.

Crafty Sneaky Tinker Stoic

  • Lizards
  • Rock Music
  • Transformers
  • Pranks
  • -
  • brock.
  • Picture Day
  • Strangers
  • Fire/Hazards
  • Losing
  • -
  • Artistic Vision
  • Breaking&Entering
  • Rearranging
  • Planning Ahead
  • Sewing
  • Piano
  • Painting & Sculpting
  • Gardening
  • Watching horror films
  • Reading
  • Skating (learning)
  • -


  • Personality

     Dani's moral compass is broken. Empathy is difficult to come by to them, leading them to say and do a lot of things without thinking of how others may feel as a consequence. If anything, they think the surprised and shocked faces of others is freaking hilarious. It makes Dani laugh, so other people should find it funny too, right?
     Even so, Dani doesn't try to push it and leaves if someone's uncomfortable. There's no point in sticking around if they're unwanted.

     They genuinely can't tell what's "nice" or "mean", they just lack tact and do what they feel like.
    (EX: They know that it's "wrong" to hurt other people, but then why is slapstick so funny? It's "wrong" to steal from others, because it makes them sad. It's "good" to make people happy. But then stealing something(wrong) for someone else will make them happy(good)?)

     Good kids should always listen to the adults and do as they say. But if the adults tell them to do bad things, is it still good?
    That said, they're completely open to better, "nicer" alternatives as long as the end results still pleases them.

     Dani is usually quiet, focusing on their own thing. They'd be more than happy if they were invited to hang out or be a part of something, even if it's just participating or keeping company. They're naturally curious, and may poke their face in trying out new things just to see if it sticks with them.

     When talking to others, they tend to speak very directly with familiarity. Rather than refer to adults by their last names and honorifics, Dani just calls them by their first names if available. (EX: Instead of "Ms. Gauthier", just "Hellena.")
     Dani only speaks properly/with manners if their parents are around, if the situation is dire, or they're intimidated by the person.

     Dani is completely attention starved, and will do anything to be acknowledged(good or bad) and validated by others. They want to be Somebody in peoples' lives.

  • Backstory

     At a young age, Dani had a good childhood spent around lots of family. It was only a few years later while living in Gehenna that their life began to slowly fall apart. They were never told why their relatives never visited or called anymore, or why mom and dad had to begin working more hours.
     To Dani, it was beginning to feel like they've spent more time with babysitters and stray animals than their own parents. Both mom and dad would get up early in the morning, drop them off at school, then come home late at night, cook dinner, then head straight to bed. Seeing how they've become practically like zombies made Dani want help brighten up their day, even if it's just for a moment.

     It was when Dani began telling lies that caught their parents' attention. The puzzled look on their faces and then their laughter after Dani confessed it was a joke made them so happy, so they kept doing it. At first, their parents played along with their silly stories, but it died out as quickly as it started as Dani's stories became more and more elaborate. Seeing their parents completely ignore them broke their heart, so Dani was motivated to find another way to get their attention again.
     Dani grew inspired by a few cartoons to try and replicate some pranks. At first it was harmless things, like fake bugs. It was fine for a while, but then mom and dad got tired of that too. So it became chocolate powder in the shampoo bottle. And mud all around the toilet. And tape covering the remote. They began yelling at Dani for all the inconveniences they were causing, telling them they're annoying and should stay out of the way. But Dani noticed that time passes during it. That the 2 hours of mom and dad yelling still counted as them spending time with them.
     Dani wanted more of their parents' time.

     Dani's pranks began getting more and more creative as time went on. No matter how many times Dani gets told that they're a failure and won't amount to anything, Dani only thinks it's because the 'joke wasn't good enough'. So they have to try harder to make their parents laugh. But there was never any laughter, and Dani's punishments got harsher. But it's okay, because when jokes Were funny, Dani's parents would apologize and buy them long sleeved shirts.
     Nail-polish coated soap bars. Lubricant-filled soap bottles. Itching powder coated toilet paper. Alarms set to go off at once. Then their best one yet: Snapbang fireworks under the toilet seat. That one was definitely one of Dani's bests. Their parents let them know exactly how they'd felt about that one.
     Dani was unsure if they should ever try to top that. At least, not towards their parents anymore.

     Now Dani has an easy ticket to make their face known across Gehenna, but.. they're unsure how they feel about it. Their parents were equating them to a slasher movie villain. Sure those are cool and all, but Dani doesn't recall doing anything That bad. Dani was also unsure why their parents were quick to tell others that Dani's coverings were their own fault. But mom and dad gets angry if Dani tries to correct them, so they guess it's their turn to play along.
     Surely their parents love them still, and didn't mean all the horrible things they've said. They always apologize after and buy Dani a lot of the things they want, so it's all good.

  • Strengths

    • Quick Learner
    • Really Great Aim
    • Making Repairments
    • Keeps their promises
    • Sewing
    • Running like hell


    • Lying
    • Talking
    • Low Self-esteem
    • Still an Asshole
    • Reading the Atmosphere
    • Bad Priorities
  • Trickster

    A '2-turn' skill in which Dani spends the first turn scheming to ensure a guaranteed success on the next.


    If Dani sneaks by the enemy successfully but is also able to land the attack, it'll be a critical hit. Can be paired up with 'Trickster', in which Dani can either get a guaranteed sneak but not land a hit, or score a direct hit but they're in broad daylight.

    "Kick Me!"

    The oldest trick in the book. Whichever unfortunate teammate Dani slaps the "Kick Me!" sign on will be on every enemy's hitlist.

    Dani Time

    Dani takes whatever's available nearby to create a makeshift item. It can be a weapon, a shield, naw let's be real It's Usually a weapon. These items usually break after a single use, but Dani can fortify them to make them last longer.

  • Rabbit Lizard

    A patched-up stuffed lizard with rabbit ears stitched on, and Dani's best friend. And Dani's only friend(before LOOP kind of brought people together). Dani always carries it around, talking to and playing with it. It has a pocket where Dani can store tools inside, as well as act like a grappling hook(Its tail has a wire that winds up).
    It's normal for Dani to hold conversations with it, but lately it's been whispering some very dangerous things...

    LOOP Multi-Tool

    A scanner tool that can detect nearby bio signatures, open up electrical locks, and act as a stun baton if situations call for it.
    But according to Dani, it always calls for it. Run.


    A handy metal crowbar that was given googly eyes and painted green. Some of the paint has already scratched off.

    Hook & Chain

    A metal chain with a meat hook on one end and a lizard head keychain on the other. Most of the green paint's worn off, and the chain as a whole looks like a funny looking snake.

    Bird Killer


    A lighter tied to a full can of hairspray. They made it themselves.



    • ● Other than their parents, only 1 other person has seen their face.
    • ● Dani used to talk to a wild lizard they visited every day when they were younger. One day it got snatched by an eagle, so they made their stuffed lizard rabbit in tribute to it.
    • ● Dani's tinkering hobby came from messing around with their dad's toolbox. They've been through 4 toasters in counting.
    • ● Dani's proudest moment was when they won "most artistic" in school one year. It was an abstract sculpture splattered with paint.
    • ● Took piano lessons when they were younger.
    •   ○ It only stopped because the piano teacher quit and told the parents to hire a babysitter.
    • ● If you're nice to them, Dani will die for you.
    • ● Weekly holidays Dani always celebrate: Dumpster Diving Tuesdays and Flat Fuck Fridays.
    • ● Has a hobby of bullying an 11-year old classmate named Nysa. Why? Because she always gets back up.
    •   ○ Older classmate Brock promptly beats up Dani every time they prank Nysa. That doesn't stop Dani tho.
    •   ▪ Dani has a distaste for football.
    • ● Dani doesn't appreciate unprompted physical contact from Anyone that's not a lizard. Especially ones that last more than 2 seconds.
    • ● Don't bother changing locks or giving them the spare key. Dani lets themselves in through the upstairs window.

Design Notes

    • - Rough idea was mine, then drawn/designed by AtomicPumpkin

      Eyes: they have them?
      Skin tone: A darker tan? Auburn??
      Hair style: Messy. Don't try to brush it, you'll lose the brush.
      Hair Color: Brown
      Element: the zodiac says fire
      Demeanor: Shady/Aloof
      Appeal: i dunno whoever ends up liking them
      Character Inspirations:
      • The amount
      • of undertale jokes
      • I can make
      • is unreal
      • Play Ninjala


    • I'll work on this later

      Birth date: ████████ ██ (1976, I guess?)
      Zodiac: Aquarius
      MTBI: i'll do this later
      Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
      Sin: Envy
      Virtue: Diligence
      Goal in Life: Become someone of importance.



Caden Ward

[ Father ]

The source of all of Dani's words of wisdoms. They aim to be as successful as him someday, working hard to be an essential cog in the factory. Dani's annoyed with how often he tells them to partake in "normal" activities instead of the fun stuff.


Tarryn Ward

[ Mother ]

Dani's main source of energy and encouragement. She's constantly telling Dani to clean up after themselves and to do chores, but it helps keep them responsible to some degree. Dani doesn't like how a lot of her comments are criticism.


Piper Cabrera

[ Classmate. ]

The new girl. For some reason the sounds of her metal guitar calms Dani down, so Dani shows up to all her practices. Hopefully the rumors around the school about them doesn't scare her off.


Koi Cooper

[ Cousin ]

Dani's cousin whom they haven't seen or heard of since they were 4. They'd often get into fights about whether lizards or fish were superior, but it was all for good fun. Dani misses them dearly.


Mel Winchester

[ Best Friend ]

Consistant detention buddies. They ride together, they'll die together. It's because of her that they've taken an interest in skating. She's also one of the few they'd trust enough with certain subjects.


Geist Polter

[ Classmate ]

Geist almost second-handedly helped Dani crash a school bus during a field trip, and since then Dani has invited him to every shenanigan afterwards. His sense of humor is rubbing off on them.


Dink Milton

[ Classmate ]

The only one Dani doesn't call by first name. Dani thinks aliens are cool, therefor Dink is super cool. Also, Dink's farm has horse-sized lizards. they want one.


Brock Bleeker

[ Brock. (Classmate) ]

Easy: They hate each other. Complicated: Brock is always the one to slap Dani whenever they cause trouble or harm to others. Dani knows it's justified, but everything else like being called weird unwarranted pisses them off.


Nysa Cleora

[ Classmate ]

Fellow troublemaker. Watching Nysa constantly fight everything and always getting back up has piqued Dani's interest. They want to see just how strong this 11 year old's unwavering spirit is. (Fortunately, Brock is very protective of her.)



[ relationship ]

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