Ash Dawn



3 years, 11 months ago


A scholar who specializes in Solar magic. She was born with a rather strange connection to the cycles of the Sun and moon, as her power wanes during the nighttime and returns during daylight. The phases of the moon do have an effect on how much of her magic goes missing during the darker hours of the day.

Overall a patient and rather laid back mare, who tends to enjoy a good book or a nice chat over spellweaving duels as other Unicorns are known for doing. She doesn't attend any official schooling for magic, preferring to learn on her own through trial and error or study in a library. This often leads her to socializing so she can learn how others apply their magics, which has fostered a love for the outdoors and long walks. She particularly loves being outdoors around sunrise, as she gets to enjoy the sensation of her magic "waking up" with the sun.