


3 years, 11 months ago


A quote goes here...


 NAME   Finnagin 
 AGE   13 
 PRONOUNS   he/him/they/them 
 GENDER   non binary 
 ORIENTATION   unknown 
 SPECIES   some type of cat? 
 RACE   content 
 OCCUPATION   student 
 THEME  content



  • Eating fish, especially salmon
  • Oceans, lakes, etc.
  • Loves swimming
  • hmm


  • fruit. he thinks it's stinky :(
  • .
  • dislikes
  • here


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Nunc rhoncus pretium erat a finibus.
  • Aliquam dictum scelerisque velit quis bibendum.
  • Nullam sed mi auctor, viverra elit laoreet, laoreet augue.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Nunc rhoncus pretium
  • Aliquam dictum scelerisque
  • Nullam sed mi auctor


. About

Finnagin is a sweet, bubbly cat never seen sad. He is eternally youthful, so he never ages and always stays 7. BUT! Don’t let that fool you, he’s probably a lot smarter and a better thinker than you. He also can’t die. Now this doesn’t mean you can try to kill him, it’s still painful, so please don’t do that.

. A New Chapter

Finnagin’s first appearance was very strange. He showed up right outside a woman’s house, meowing for someone. Now at this time, he was physically a 1 year old while being mentally 6. The woman inside the house was super annoyed and thought it was some petty child but upon seeing the tiny kitten, she immediately brought him in and prepared some food. She was shocked to her core when she heard the boy say in PERFECT SPEECH “Thank you for taking me in! Nobody else would open the door. What’s your name?” The woman didn’t know what to do and stared silently, then picked him up. “Er, yes! My name is Lynn. How old are you? Where did you come from? Where is your mother? I really hope she is not far. How did you get here-“ “I’m 1! And you are my mommy now!!” Lynn could not believe what was happening. ’This is a dream, right?’ “Are you sure your mommy is not somewhere else?” “But you ARE my mommy, silly Lynn!” Lynn thought for a moment, then giggled. Something told her that this kit was not lying. He was pretty cute… plus, how could she just put him back outside? She brought him into her bedroom and cleaned him up, and that’s when their relationship as mother and son started. “Welcome home, Finnagin.”



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc rhoncus pretium erat a finibus. Aliquam dictum scelerisque velit quis bibendum. Nullam sed mi auctor, viverra elit laoreet, laoreet augue. Donec eget mollis tortor.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc rhoncus pretium erat a finibus. Aliquam dictum scelerisque velit quis bibendum. Nullam sed mi auctor, viverra elit laoreet, laoreet augue. Donec eget mollis tortor.

...Another quote goes here.