Null's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

ikkyoutan Global Rules

Ownership of the character equates to the following rights:

  • Right to use character for personal use. Please discuss commercial use with ikkyoutan (including VTuber).
    • Once commercial permissions has been granted, feel free to resell with commercial permissions attached.
    • You can resell for higher than you got it for if you have commercial permission.
      • Even with commercial permission, following is disallowed: Cryptocurrency and all related and future technology partaking to it (e.g. NFT, Metaverse, Blockchain).
  • Right to edit the character + my associated artwork as you like.
    • Including, but not exclusive: Editing color, lines, removing/adding parts.
    • Please credit kyripok for edited artwork.

Please do not sell for more than the art is worth.
Monetary value can be calculated through the following

  • Self-explanatory:
    • Original character price.
    • Commissioned artwork.
  • Refer to artist's commission prices for the specific artwork type (e.g. "Sketch Halfbody", "Rendered Chibi") done:
    • Artwork you traded characters for.
    • "Free" artwork.
      • Includes gifted artwork, or art from forum games - i.e. "Draw the character above you".
      • Please ensure you have the artist's permission to attach monetary value to their work in this case.
    • Personal artwork.
  • Not allowed:
    • Dollmakers, i.e. Picrew, GaiaOnline.
If you had received the character as part of a trade or as a gift:

  • Their monetary value is reset to $0.
    • This includes all artwork the character has at the time of the trade.
  • You can add on monetary value from all artwork made or received after the character enters your ownership.

I won't police too heavily, but I'd like these rules to be respected, thank you!
Otherwise, feel free to use the characters as you like.

last updated 13/02/2022.