


7 years, 5 months ago


Name: Zayle
Nicknames: Zay, Zi, Lee
Age: 17
Date of Birth: October 14th 
Race: Undertow
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Panasexual 
Height: 6'0"
Build of body: Average, slightly chubby 
Piercings: 1 lip piercing as a human
Typical clothing: Modern clothes, usually hoodies or plain tshirts and jeans or shorts. Nude if sleeping or swimming privately. 
Occupation: Waiter at a beach stand (he usually works 60 hours weeks, always having sunday off). He works extremely hard but still does get in some decent trouble due to his dislike for people.
Personality: Rather aggressive, sharp tongued, sarcastic, unfriendly, irritable and cold. He has a habit of casually cursing at undertows and humans like, telling most of them to fuck off or something of similar. The more a person hangs around him he does warm up to them but it usually takes a while as he doesn't trust easily. He's very bitter, feeling cheated by the fact he can't breathe underwater and thus had to make life on land. In early mornings he's more at ease and less vile, but he still is rather harsh and sarcastic. If caught of guard he will usually act embarrassed, blushing and stuttering until he can flee and seal himself in his house. At work he's as kind as he ever will be, biting his tongue and forcing himself to not act to harshly towards the humans or rare undertows.
History: Zayle was born to a undertow father and human mother, being raised by his mother. His human mother was actually quite scared of him, but she wasn't willing to abandon her only child and raised him regardless of how much he'd frighten her at times (he did try to behave for his mother but still has to stay alive). Zay grew up rather unhealthy, eating a lot of human foods to please his mother even if after he became violently sick (now in days its rare to see him eating anything that is not aquatic or human). As a child he was very feral, often vanishing for days and returning usually hurt and bloody. He spent a lot of his younger years looking for his father or other undertows, failing unless he'd journey out to different territories or the deeper ocean. The longer he spent with his mother though he seemed to calm down and started just living a reclusive life.
Around the age of 14 his mother left him to live on his own, usually visiting around holidays to check up on him (as he is still her only child). Currently Zayle still lives alone (for the most part), and if he's not working he spends his time hunting, swimming, lounging about to read or occasional cooking (mostly fish but he does make decent pastas and fried goods, he will rarely eat it however and usually give it to his boss)


  • Due to spending more of his life on land with humans then under the sea with undertows he's more accustomed to human culture over undertow culture. 
  • He rather enjoys to coffee and tea, drinking them often through a average day.
  • In both his forms he has freckles (they being blue as a undertow and dark brown as a human)
  • As a undertow he doesn't mind being naked in front of people, but as a human he is very embarrassed about it
  • He loves piercings, having a lip piercing in his human form
  • His hair is dyed (every 6 months or so he uses one of his sundays to quickly go a bit farther inland and buy a few boxes and then return and hide out for the rest of the day)
  • His ear fin not shown in his reference is actually torn from getting lost out at sea as a child looking for his other parent. 
  • In rougher times he has given his food away to undertow who need it more then himself (he over hunts and preserves the excess).
  • Even though Zayle appears to be more human than undertow he does still eat human flesh. If any human invades his territory he usually doesn't have hard feelings about killing them for food (more lenient with children, usually jsut shoos them off).
  • Zayle has never met his father
Known People
  • Marisela- Zay usually seems annoyed of the female Undertow, often ignoring her until she tackles him. He usually only sees her when he's at work, as her territory is close by, but sometimes she does make her way over to his house. The two of them grew up together, she being one the only 'friend' he has as a child. Despite knowing each other a majority of their lives Zay still seems to act cold towards her (she grew up with him as he was more feral so she became used to his more aggressive and nasty ways) they rarely fight, even if they hunt in each other territories and disrespect each other often. 
  • Oliver- A very love-hate relationship, Zay most the time is rather annoyed by him but he does seem to enjoy his company and even allows him in the house (even if most the time he says regrets it). The more he stays around Zay does warm up to him and even start accepting his affection in a nonchalant way.
  • Cora- Zay has a rather indifferent attitude to Cora, always giving her the shelled fish he'll catch if it starts to take up too much space. He's pretty gentle and does strike deals with her so he's able to have Mari and himself hunt on her territory as well. 
  • Murrow- Zay doesn't like Murrow at all, usually having to defend himself from the feral male who has dominate issues. He does let the twins sleep on his land though, as he knows they are Cora's 'adopted' children and worse comes to worse he just flings him to Cora and leaves. He especially hates Murrow doing breeding time, knowing he has his eyes set on Mari.
  • Seiton- Another zay doesn't seem to mind, if Seiton is not babysitting his twin brother Zay usually let him stay in his house and watch movies and clean, occasionally letting him hunt to fill the reserves for winter. Seiton is one of few people Zay has from the start seemed decently nice too (probably due to having Mari and Oliver force love on him)
  • Boss- His boss from work. He is one of the few humans he seems to get along with perfectly fine as his mother and him were good friends. Zay often cooks and gives boss the food, making him question why (as he doesn't know Zayle is not a human) but he seems to mind the free food.