


3 years, 11 months ago


I was blind but now I see

Sex female
Pronouns she/her/he/him
S.O. Camryn
Age 21
Sexuality bi
Zodiac Libra
Species Wolf
Masterlist #1
Height 5'7"
Metro Boomin - Too Many Nights
People Person
Lone wolf
Attitude Optimist


  • Her mane is made of feathers.
  • Her favorite flower is a peach carnation.
  • Her favorite movie series is Avatar.
  • Her favorite book is The Dogs of Winter.
  • Her favorite color is dark teal.


  • The sun
  • Alcohol
  • People
  • School
  • Sad horse movies

Conflict Resolution

Being able to resolve conflict between oneself, or other people.


Juke is able to resolve almost any conflict by redirecting attention. She is very good at redirecting her sister, Kro, when they get into conflicts.

Responsive Body Language

Body language, if used effectively, is a great tool to both convey a message and build trust. Some studies have shown that body language makes up more than 50% of communication and is more important than the actual words said during a conversation.


When another person is talking to Juke, she responds with her body language. She wants to make sure the other person knows she is actively listening.


Building trust takes time and effort. But, if you invest energy into establishing trust with people, you’ll notice they become more likely to listen to your opinions and take your ideas seriously. Consistently acting with integrity and sincerity will help you become a trustworthy person in the eyes of your colleagues, someone they feel comfortable coming to for advice.


Juke is very good at building trust between her and other people. Even if Juke knows the other person can't be trusted, she uses her trustworthiness to her advantage, so if the other person turns on her she can use it to her advantage.


Juke is a formerly-possessed wolf who loves everyone she knows. She loves her friends and family and would do anything for them, most of the time putting their worries and cares before herself. She enjoys her many hobbies, only when she has enough motivation to work on them. She also loves nature, her favorite place to be is in the mountains, or any place away from civilization. The more Juke knows a person, the more bold she becomes, and the more social she becomes. She is terribly shy at first with new people, but once she comes out of her shell, she is an extremely fun and caring wolf to be around.

Childhood/Middle School

Juke's childhood was about as great as you could imagine, except for one thing; she was raised by a narcissist. Her mother, Krista, had raised her children with all the same love as anyone could ever hope for, it was just the way she expressed her love that confused each of her children. As a narcissist, Krista thought her children were just an extension of herself instead of a new individual with completely different feelings. Juke grew up with an amazing childhood, don't get me wrong. Krista and her best friend Lisa had their children at almost the exact same time, and Lisa's daughter was Julia. So, Juke basically grew up with Julia. Her family moved around a lot, so Juke developed good friend making skills. She was good at making new friends, and fast. She had a lot of charm in her personality. It was in elementary school that Juke met Elise. Elise and Juke soon became inseparable. Two years after living in the same city as Elise, Juke had to move due to her father keeping his old job in their old city. So, she had to leave her paradise, and Elise with it. They still keep up to this day, though, and are still besties. Moving to the neighboring city next to Juke's father's job is where Juke finished her elementary school days. She met lots of new friends using her charm, including Molly and Sydney. It would be in her middle school years that her life would change forever. In sixth grade would be the first big change of her life. She was put on birth control, to regulate her menstrual cycle. She didn't know that birth control would be one of the biggest mistakes of her life. Middle school is where she would meet Camryn, in the school choir. It was also in middle school that she started developing feelings for Molly. She didn't really understand what sexuality was until middle school, but she did understand that she had feelings for Molly. She confessed her feelings for Molly, only for Molly to play it off until eighth grade. By this time, the birth control that Juke was taking was affecting her mental health. She became depressed, but she didn't understand that it came from the bc. So, on the night of September 24th, she confessed her liking to Molly once again. And this time, Molly confessed her feelings to Juke as well. So, they immediately started dating. But this would soon come to be maybe not the best idea. After all, they were children, and Juke was still being affected mentally by her medicine. And this is when another big part of her life would soon come into play. She began having strange visitations by an entity in her dreams, a horrid, tall, wolf-like figure with a skull for a face, and bones sticking out all over its body. She would soon come to know this entity as Smiler. Smiler was a demon sent straight from hell to take over the minds of the innocent. He saw Juke's pain and sorrow and knew this was the perfect target. Smiler possessed her to be able to come to life in physical form. Because of this, Juke's eyes turned into a blank black and white color, with the colored part of her eye becoming a ghostly white, and the white of her eye becoming an inky black. And so the key was also created during her possession. It was made to unlock Juke’s heart and make her love people she shouldn’t love. Smiler could unlock and lock Juke’s heart anytime. So people she wanted to care about, he locked her up. He shut her down. He controlled her every move, thought. He got in her head and changed her life for the worst. Buuuut she pulled through at the end of eighth grade and she broke the key and Smiler was banished to The Shadows (the place of forgotten things in Juke’s mind). But, her eyes still stayed the same, even after she had gotten rid of Smiler. It was also towards the end of eighth grade that Juke had begun to develop feelings for Camryn, even though Juke and Molly were still dating. Camryn cared for Juke when all of the stuff with Molly was going on. Juke loved her for caring, because Camryn was also in a bad place as well with friend drama in eighth grade. They found comfort in each other. Juke confessed her feelings to Camryn even though she knew Cam was straight as a board. So after that, she thought she had made another mistake. But instead of ignoring her, Camryn was fine with Juke having a crush on her. And with the end of eighth grade, came the end of her and Molly's relationship. Molly planned to go to a different high school, and so on the last day of school, Juke searched for Molly all over, but couldn't find her. That was supposed to be their last goodbye, but instead Juke wasted her day looking for someone who was avoiding her. They would later reconnect in high school.

High School/Current

During high school is when Juke would try to have a fresh start. She joined the high school choir, which is where she met RV; a young, short, and peppy choir teacher. This was her second year to teach at C.E. Byrd, and she had so many plans for the future. Juke automatically took a liking to this new teacher, and soon developed feelings for her. RV cared so much about her, and she became attached to that since Molly never gave that to her. She knew it was literally illegal to like an adult, but she didn't care. She began painting things for RV, including two flamingo paintings for her birthday. She looked up to RV, she was an escape from her daily life. She would wake up just to go to choir class with RV. Freshman year would also be the year Cam and Juke would continue to get closer as friends. In sophomore year, C.E. Byrd's drama department was going to put on a musical of The Little Mermaid, and Juke was asked to be the lead set painter. Camryn was put as the role of Flounder, and RV was the conductor of the live orchestra for each of the shows. Juke would stay late almost every night after school painting the sets, and being with RV. She loved it so much. But, with Corona came the cancellation of the play. After the very first show, it was canceled. Everyone was devastated. All of that work Juke had put in just for it to get canceled. And so, everything was soon canceled, including school. And with that, the choir's yearly competition. RV, Camryn, and Juke were all heartbroken. But, during the summer, Juke, Kro, Julia, Julia's mother, and Juke's mother all went on a trip to North Carolina to get away from quarantine. It was during one of the days of the trip that Juke got a text from Camryn saying that RV was moving to another school to be their choir teacher. And with that, Juke's trip was automatically ruined. She balled for the rest of the day, and RV confirmed with her that she was indeed moving to another school. She loved RV, she couldn't just move away! She decided that if RV was truly moving away, she wouldn't be doing choir her junior and senior year. It was at the end of the summer of 2020 that Juke became severely depressed, and comtemplated suicide. She broke down to her mother one night, saying she could not take it anymore. So, she was taken off of birth control. And once her junior year started, it had been about a month and a half since she stopped taking her medication. But she started to feel things again. She wasn't numb anymore! She was so happy that she could finally be happy again. In August of 2020, she started to develop feelings for Cam once again. They became closer as friends, and physically. And on October 31st of 2020, Camryn made the first move to suggest she was also feeling the same way. And because of that one night, Juke and Camryn started spilling overflowing feelings to one another, confessing their love to each other. They soon went on to date, and swore they were going to marry each other. It was extremely hard on Camryn to keep her and Juke's relationship a secret, so they soon broke up. After that, they kept going back and forth from being besties, to FWB, to enemies, to just friends. It was extremely hard on Juke, especially since Camryn would seem like she was doing just fine and dandy with Juke's heart being broken. Currently, she is liking life and is just going through the motions to get out of her parents' house and to college. There, she knows she will be free from her parents and Camryn and can actually start living life.


  • Outdoors
  • Drawing
  • Food
  • Video Games


  • Country Music
  • Chinese Food
  • Romance Films
  • Reality