Lavender Morado



3 years, 10 months ago



Lavender Morado








4'6” ft










Gamma Clan



Lavender is a Gamma Floss who’s currently just a stay-at-home mother and housewife that helps look after her home whenever her twelve-year-old Theta daughter Prisma is away at school. She's located in the Gamma region, which is a bit country-like in terms of agriculture. In the meanwhile, she helps manage the chores and prep for homemade meals. For the most part, she may be a gentle maternal figure, but that won't stop her from pulling out big disciplinary moves whenever her kid acts out or whenever disorder threatens to tear the household apart.

Currently, she's also married to a lovely Lambda guy named Adrien and very content with him. He's also Prisma's stepfather, since Prisma is a kitten from another previous failed marriage that Lavender had with another man once before.


Lavender is sweet and polite. Or at least, that's the first impression that she typically gives out to anyone that's getting to know her. However, on the inside, she's a bit more blunt and rude than that. She has a lot of brutally honest thoughts that she typically keeps bottled up unless someone were to aggravate her enough to spill the details. If they want her real opinion on something, then fine, she'll give it to them, alright.

But for the most part, she prefers to present herself in this relatively friendly and gentle manner. And genuinely, being kind does come naturally to her a lot of the time. She's also pretty accepting of her feminity, preferring to project this picture of a graceful and elegant lady.

Lastly, she can be strict and stern when it comes down to it. She's no pushover and she can be intimidating when push comes to shove.


As a Gamma, Lavender has the power of super strength. When she was younger, she used to struggle with her abilities and would have sloppy control over them. Nowadays, however, she has more precise control over her powers, though every now and then she might slip up whenever she gets provoked.


When Lavender was younger, she'd always wanted to be something sparkly and pretty, like a ballerina or a model. She grew up in an elitist high-class family that raised her well. While they never pressured her to do anything that she didn't want, she still had a lot of expecatations for herself due to their rather old-fashioned, traditional, and somewhat sexist and/or stereotypical ways. There was no real pressure to conform to any of their beliefs, but Lavender still felt like she would be doing something wrong and she felt socially obligated to try to conform anyway.

And whenever she couldn't fulfill all of these strict expectations that she would set up for herself, she felt her self-esteem just drop more and more. She wanted to be the perfect lady. Lavender grew up being self-conscious as a result whenever she'd fail. Being a Gamma with a lack of control over her super strength didn't help matters either.

Eventually, she would go on to sort these issues out and talk about them with her family. Her parents noticed that she wasn't always happy with life and they wanted to know what was wrong. Though she still has desires to embrace being a girly girl, she progressed into a more strong-willed woman with nerves of steel. By the time she began working as a bank teller thanks to her family's influence, for most of their relatives worked in finance, Lavender felt like a different person. She slowly graduated from being a passive woman to a more independent one, especially when she had eventually file for a divorce a year or two after being married to the head of a shark loan organization.

As much as she didn't mind being with him during the beginning of her relationship with her first husband at the time, Lavender had to realize the hard way that she deserved more than just being someone's trophy wife. She wanted to be able to be more than just a pretty face, even though all she felt like she had to do was be a pretty face at first. She wanted to feel valued as a person.

And now, to this day, Lavender finally feels like she's with someone that loves her for her, with her true colors showing through and all. She has a bratty preteen daughter that she'll typically try to whip into shape whenever she acts out, which can be often.


Lavender can make the best pork buns out there. They're Adrien's favorite dish, after all.


7638713?1595702039 Adrien Morado

beloved husband

7785669?1596728089 Prisma Comrad

bratty daughter

7489372?1594253034 Tony Comrad

decent ex-husband

7606180?1595264285 Mars

best friend

7164037?1593669693 Oceanus Safiro

graceful cousin

I hope you enjoy the dinner I made.
