
4 years, 2 months ago


Age: Mid 20's

Gender: Female (She/They)

Orientation: Asexual Biromantic

Species: Human

EGO Gifts:
- Beak (Brooch 2) - [Mvmt Speed +2, Atk Speed +2]

EGO Gear:
- (Weapon) Strike True [WAW] - [RED Dmg 20-22, Atk Speed Normal, Very Long Range] - Deals WHITE damage to everything else in the room while this weapon is being used.
- (Suit) Strike True [HE] - [0.5, 0.8, 0.8, 1.5]

Physical Traits: Missing an arm after an incident with [REDACTED]. Got a replacement that's pretty similar to what the Sephirot have. It works for her purposes, but she's pretty sure it's more than just a prosthetic.
Has also developed an unnatural knack for [REDACTED].

Personality: Good-natured and friendly! The closest thing the facility has to a Sephirah, other than their intern. Used to be a seriously hardcore employee in the lower levels, but has since been reassigned to Control. She's still no slouch in suppression, but she's a liability now. Misses Punishing Bird, but isn't allowed to go lower than Training to keep from getting too close to [REDACTED]. 

Source Media (if applicable): Lobotomy Corporation OC

Strengths: Strong, both physically and mentally. Robot arm kicks ass. [REDACTED], but probably doesn't remember that. 

Weaknesses: [REDACTED].

Likes: Birds, forests, making things from clay. Music with 'playing from another room' edits. 

Dislikes: [REDACTED].

Content Level: NSFWV

Warnings: Violence


Ezekiel - Friend, Roommate

Ameta - Friend, Roommate

Lazaros - Coworker