


3 years, 11 months ago


full name; Linhardt Schaf Tjwali 

goes by; Linhardt 'Lin'

age + birthday;

gender; Male (he/him)

orientation + status; Demisexual Homoromantic (shipped; not looking atm)

occupation; Scholar + Professor (part time) + Mage

hobbies; Reading; Studying, magic, history and neuroscience especially; playing the guitar, violin and harp; writing; magical gardening

likes; Books, books and more books; libraries; sleeping; dreaming; cosy places with pillows and fuzzy blankets; teaching his students; his research; trying new spells and developing them; cats; herbal tea; hot chocolate; coffee; pink; bows; robes; pyjamas; horses; flowers

dislikes;  Jeans; sleeping; dreaming; bright lights; dogs; working out; distruptions to his research 


true neutral / infj-t(?)

Linhardt is an incredibly intelligent sorceror, who happens to be quite anti-social and is oft found locked away in his office reading, scribbling down spells or experimenting on rocks. He lives in a remote village built on magic which studies and produces dreams in it‘s renown university. Lin has lived here all his life and went to the University’s adjoined Academy when he was young, and was considered something of a prodigy. Though he barely passed his classes as he always skipped them; the few he was present in he fell asleep in and subsequently he wasn’t liked by staff nor student. Lin eventually got medical help and learned to manage his consistent fatigue, and apprenticed under a sorcerer who helped him develop his full potential and essentially let him drop out of school and instead take the qualifications he wanted until he could finally join his mentor’s university class. Here he graduated with flying colours due to self study being more his forte, and immediately became a fellow research with his mentor in which they made many spells and furthered the village’s work greatly until his mentor passed away of old age. Now Lin has happily started teaching his own university class which he greatly enjoys the company of, and continues his specialist research into dreams and how magic can affect them. 

Lin prefers his own company or that of a select few, with his apprentice, classes and partner being those he adores the most. He is very stoic and constantly fatigued, but despite his aloof and sleepy nature he is very sweet and try to be as considerate as he can be to those he interacts with. He has quite low self esteem and walks on eggshells constantly due to his fear of projecting the wrong image to people and tries to avoid people calling him rude, though if you spark a conversation about his research or what books he’s been reading, most of these inhibitions fall away and he’ll rant for hours for people willing to listen. 


Linhardt lives in the university permanently and despite the board providing him with both a office and a dorm he resides solely in his office and gave away his dorm entirely since he always ended up sleeping in his office anyway. It resembles a cosy wooden study with oak wood bookcases lining the whole room, 2 of them filled to the brim with books, 1 filled with magic equipment  and the final being his own little space. This final bookcase has a makeshift bed on the second lowest shelf with a memory foam small mattress, lots of fluffy rugs, cushions and blankets strewn across it. The other shelfs on this bookcase hold his clothes, hygiene stuff and general trinkets such as his glasses. The study itself has a large oak desk always strewn with papers and a telescope is pointing towards the small window near his magical item bookshelf. The floor has many fluffy rugs on it and blankets and beanbags around, as well as books left half open but decently neatly. His harp, guitar and violin near his personal bookshelf on the floor. Glow in the dark stars are dotted around the ceiling and the main light has been taken out to use for magic; in it’s place he uses a few pink salt rock lights and a colour changing essential oil diffuser solely for light. 

base concept; Linhardt (Fire Emblem) x DnD wizards 

health notes;

-Low muscle tone; as much as he hates it he has to work out often to keep what muscle mass he has- yoga and pilates are his favourite as they don’t exert him too much. 



-Eyes are short sighted, get dry easily and sensitive to light; the former and latter corrected by glasses. He often keeps his blinds closed and dim lights on (or sunglasses on him) to help, and eye drops for his dry eyes. 


-Essentially married to his research; he works as renown scholar in his village and despite everyone knowing him people don’t really bother him since they know he prefer solitude. Instead he has a P.O box for the people to send him letters if they need him. (He rarely uses his phone for texts) 

-Sleeps in the office he was given and gave his assigned bedroom to his apprentice; he often works through the night and sleeps at odd times anyway so he sees it as more productIve. 

-Has lovely soft Afro/4c hair in anthro; pls don’t touch. 

-Adores wearring bows, earrings and stereotypical girly items, occasionally wears skirts and dresses