⚓🐳 poland 🐳⚓ ([ ⚓ ] - ext. bio)



Quote here.
name poland
age 35
gender enby
pronouns they/them
species husky
orientation aroace
status forever homed

code jiko


a captain of a ship, they're an absolute boisterous motherfucker, the life of the party on their ship. they always tries to include everyone in celebrations and havin' a good time overall, even if you're some bad guy they captured or whatever... they'll let loose and little and let you be drunk with them and their buddies.

they don't take shit well and will go for many rounds of fights, even if it's just a made up story... they'll square a bitch up. they love to get rough with others, it's fun to them, as they're very competitive. the people they usually fight sometimes become friends afterwards and get a good laugh. their boisterous personally really does make them do a lot of reckless stuff and gets them into a bit of trouble, almost been to jail a couple of times.

shrimp, the ocean, kids, telling stories, sailing off into the sea, collecting stuff, fighting, whales, large fish, ice fishing, sharks, the rain
crabs, leopard seals, empty treasure, foggy/misty areas, warm weather, summer, coffee, thunderstorms, sirens

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

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Design Notes
  • scar on their left eye
  • all accessories are not optional are not optional
  • always has a smug look
  • gifted from a friend !!
  • their color pallete was originally based off the polish flag, along with that my friend also named them, poland

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