


7 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




February 27, 1990




Curly auburn hair, brown eyes.

When Isadore met Velia for the first time in this life, he recognized her immediately. He knew clear as day that she was his soul mate, bonded to him in each of his previous lives. It was also obvious that she didn't entirely believe him, though she could feel the depth of their connection and quickly fell in love with him again. Regardless, they were soul mates in every sense of the term. After Isadore helped her become emancipated from her father and stepmother, Velia moved in with him. He proposed to her on her sixteenth birthday, giving her the black and white diamond engagement ring she wears constantly on a gold chain around her neck. They spent all of their spare time together.

Shortly before Velia graduated from high school, she and Isadore had one of their rare arguments. Her temper flared, harsh words were exchanged, and she left the house for a while to calm down. After a few hours, she had calmed and was on her way home to apologize when she was hit by a drunk driver as she was crossing the road. The accident left her in a deep coma, and her spirit separated from her body and entered the forest, breaking the psychic connection between her and Isadore. She spent several months in a coma, though as her lungs began to fail, Isadore finally chose to let the doctors unplug the life support machines. Velia died in the human world on February 17, 2013.

Unbeknownst to either of them, Velia and Isadore conceived a child during their last meeting in the astral plane before Velia's death, on Valentine's Day. Isaline was born into the forest on April 21, and is being raised on tales of her father by Velia and Kemosiri. Isadore may never become aware of his daughter's existence.

Isadore is a "hybrid" vampire, he requires blood as well as psychic energy. Isaline inherited this from him.

He is heavily into the metaphysical and remembers several past lives, though as Velia seemed not to remember hers, he did not usually speak of them. The past life he remembers best is in Ancient Egypt, as a priest. Isadore also firmly believes that nothing will ever sever their psychic bond, as they have been reunited with each other throughout countless lifetimes already.