
7 years, 5 months ago


Name: Kris
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Standoffish, Quiet, Blushes easily when suddenly noticed or brought into conversations, Often times bubbly and all smiles when in the company of close friends, Carefree

+Listening to music
+Weird Fashions Items

-Seeing animals in pain
-Being the center of attention

He was often picked on as a child for being quiet and standoffish which had a negative effect on him, but this also made him stronger. He found solace in caring for animals and often found himself being something akin to a foster parent to some strays that he had found in a box. As he got older he started to volunteer part time while he was in high school at an animal shelter, often dropping by to help care for those that had been left out on the street or left in bad condition. He has a love for flowers and even has a small garden outside his house. Most of the time he finds wild flowers out and about and crafts headbands out of them. These flowers are often cute little ones that make him smile. At this time, he has just graduated from high school. He hopes to go to college for veterinary studies to help out more animals in need.