Mara (Mara (Present day))



Times change. People forget. And the world moves on.

For several hundred years Mara did her job of guiding sheep, Living with the shrine attendant in her little temple in the woods. The attendant changed over time. They grew old and one of their children took the job. until one day, they wouldn't and Mara was left alone. The amount of visitors also lessened. People were forgetting her. Her job was also getting slower. people didn't lose their sheep as much anymore. and Mara got bored and lonely.

So she left her shrine and went to live among people. She started an inn, "The Sheeps Nest", in the nearby city. With the little bit of divine power she had left, she turned the place into a shrine. Mara had changed their duty. No longer did she guide lost sheep. instead, she would shelter lost people. The Sheeps Nest is a place where people who are lost can find something to eat, a drink, or a place to stay until they find their way. Mara does not expect her visitors to stay. instead, she asks them to bring offerings. Not all do, but that's fine. She still hears them talk about her. They think about the visit, and that is an offering in and off itself.
The Sheeps Nest can only be found by people who are lost. But the people who have found it, can return whenever they want.

To run the inn, Mara has 2 employees. Or just 1 depending on what qualifies as an employee.

  • Kodori: The first one is her cook and maid. She used to be lost and didn't have anything to get back to. When she found the Sheeps Nest, she decided to stay. Before she did, Mara mostly ran the place on her own. But considering Maras dislike of work, she was happy to have an employee to do most of the things she didn't like to do. Mara still helps out when she's not occupied with the bar/restaurant or welcoming service (which is the same thing)
  • Lissa: The second employee is a general helper. She's not always in the inn as Mara has tasked her to find people who are lost and guide them to the Sheeps Nest. in a way, Lissa is like a will-o-wisp, but an actual helpful one. When not roaming the streets, which she usually only does at night, she helps keep the inn in tip-top shape. Because of her small stature and her ability to get in very small spaces, Lissa does most of the technical repairs and renovations in the inn.
    Lissa is a registered Udroid. Mara found her beat up and broken in a back alley. She fixed Lissa up and now Lissa works for her.
  • Rabenda: Her third employee. Rabenda is a lost girl. She has no idea who her parents are and where she's from. Mara makes sure she gets the proper care, like bringing her to school and doesn't become an exile of society because of her past. Mara sees a bit of herself in Rabenda and doesn't want her to suffer the same way she did. Between school and friends, Rabenda helps out at the inn. She considers herself an employee even though Mara does not pay her.