Ka’nna ($/Art)



3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Ka’nna Ikari
Species: Undadite
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 26
DOB: -
Height: -
Occupation: Marine Biologist
Personality: Reserved, shy, bookish, focused, stubborn, stoic, socially awkward
Likes: Singing, tea, sea creatures, the environment, hibiscus
Dislikes: Large industry, loud music, clubs, food that's tough to bite
Fears: Thunder/lightning
Orientation: Biromantic
Relationships: Kha'lysta, twin; dating Zaak; Tate, friend

*Her skin tone is a bit closer to her sister's than in her original ref.*

-Kha'lysta is her twin sister. The two often don't see eye to eye. K'anna remembers a lot of intimate details about her sister, though, in case anyone doubts that she cares.
-While sometimes she blames the rift on her getting a partner Kha'lysta doesn't like, she knows it goes deeper than that. Ka'nna's been accused of being a killjoy, of a stickler, and of being an aggressive vegan, to name a few things.
-During their teen years the two girls both took on broody phases and even with their different gems it could be difficult to tell the two of them apart.
-K'anna has a special interest in aquatic life and sometimes looks down on others who keep certain creatures as pets. She's gotten very emotional over every pet she's lost. In the middle of her teens she swore off meats altogether.

- Gemstone: Spectrolite (Uncommon)
- Ears: Uncommon
- Eyes: Uncommon
- Teeth: Uncommon
- Saliva healing: Uncommon
- Mutation: None

Received July 2020 ($10); Masterlist #32