
3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Kyoki
Age: Unknown
Pronouns: They/ Them
Subspecies: Herpian
Personality: Very distant, quiet, and is often very giggly when they are alone with one chimereon

   When Kyoki was born, their parents were full of color and were hoping for Kyoki to be colorful like them, only to see they were white and gray. When Kyoki opened their eyes for the first time, their mother took them to the hospital to check if having no pupils and hollow eyes were a sign of illness or some sort of birth defect. When hearing their eyes were a result to a birth defect, their love for Kyoki slowly turned into hate, causing them to neglect Kyoki for their lack of color and make them think they was nothing due to difference in the family they were born into.
  Then, at the age of 5, Kyoki's parents had abounded them so they could die, but Kyoki strived and fought for their life. They stayed in an alleyway for most of their time, watching as people looked unsettled at them while they took a stroll. Soon, at the age of 7, Kyoki started getting a strange course of thought. They noticed how many chimereons had so many colors of blood, seeing all the colors of the rainbow flash in front of their pupiless eyes. They thought that if they had colorful blood, he could be like others.
   Kyoki discovers after getting a cut on their arm that their blood was the color of his horn. They were lost, that was their only hope of feeling normal like everyone else.... because they always felt like they was an outcast all of his life so far and now they doesn't have anything. Their mind started becoming dark, thinking thoughts that no one would dare to think. They hated everything and everyone. They wanted to show them they could be colorful in a temporary way. They soon saw a chimereon who was nearly dead on the ground in their alleyway close by. As Kyoki approaches, the chimereon begs for their help... but Kyoki stands there... looking at the blood... a light yellow color... so bright... so vibrant... so... colorful. They slowly bared their claws, sharp, and lusting for color, they ened the chimereon's life and was covered in the color they were looking at. They felt so... happy... and alive... they felt as if they became the chimereon they killed with their own claws... it felt so good... and it was his first... but it would not be the last...
   Many years passed, at the age of 15, Kyoki was known and wanted for the countless crimes they have committed. They have been in hiding, being known as the death who kills with a smile for the body count they are known for, along with the smile they hold on their face as they kill. But soon, police found them, and managed to get them locked away into an asylum to spend the rest of their years. While in their cage, they were growing more insane then they actually were... the walls having a dull white color, their straight jacket being plain with a lack of color... where is it...? Where is all the color I thrived to get...? Kyoki would question themselves for over a year in that cell, developing knowledge and such on how to escape from certain designs of the asylum cells along with where they could hide. Due to them escaping, misbehaving, and horrible activities towards the guards, they have gotten many scars that have faded, but stay in his mind due to them traumatizing them.
   After a year, Kyoki discovers a substitute for their colorless problems that can help them when they aren't able to get their hands on fresh color... rainbow bandaids. They saw them on another patient in the asylum after they got hurt, begging the doctors and guards for at least one bandaid. They managed to get their hands on one and felt delighted when they stuck it on their face. It felt like heaven, not as good as when they spilled another chimereons blood, but it was a reasonable substitute for when they can't get their hands on some natural color...
   Now, in the present... where no one knows how old the creature is, Kyoki continues to escape from their asylum, get punished, and continues to take others lives for the color they want to be stained with until they feel accepted. After all these years of torture, neglect, loneliness, and insanity, it has driven Kyoki mad to which they get easily triggered into a flashback that usually leads them into a hallucination in pure fear and panic. They are never seen without a smile and they continue to escape just to feel colorful like their parents would wanted...
