


7 years, 3 months ago







"There is a hunger that lives inside my bones. It is wild and loud, screaming its throat bloody and tearing my chest apart"



Aggressive | Defiant | Proud | Temperamental | Bold 

Loyal | Brave | Reckless | Arrogant | Confident



   Ramiel was surrendered to the temple of the war god, Rhys, at a young age. He was grew up in an environment entirely unfit for children; one that valued strength, brutality, and competition. From childhood, Ramiel was taught to use a variety of weapons, grew into a society that was comfortable with blood sports and killing, and he eventually made a name for himself as one of the temple's most promising gladiators. With "survival of the fittest" the law of the land, Ramiel thrived; making himself known with few losses, and many victories. His inherent talent nurtured an arrogant, reckless, and brash personality.

   Ignoring the warnings of those closest to him, Ramiel crowed about his own greatness, that he'd be a god himself one day- that he was better than the war god himself, and, if offered the chance, he'd prove it.

   He was entirely unprepared when he showed up for practice one day and Rhys was waiting for him.

   Unwilling to back down from a fight, Ramiel met Rhys' challenge, and decisively lost- beaten half to death in a brutal display of power. Bloodied and humiliated, he was branded a heretic for his blasphemy, and exiled from Eden. He left the city feeling wronged, furious, and vindictive- and more determined than ever to reach godhood.


   After leaving Eden, Ramiel wandered Godskeep aimlessly, taking the occasional mercenary job to make enough gold to get by, and seeing more than his fair share of prison cells for petty crimes (thieving, scamming, the occasional bar fight- things he would have, at one point, gotten away with in Eden). However, he spent a considerable amount of time reading what he could find on the pantheon of gods, their origin stories, and legends.

   Ramiel currently finds himself in the company of a warlock, ranger, and bard. Each of them with their own motivations for finding fabled, god-killing weapons scattered across the continent.

[ THEME ] 

The Wrestle - Frightened Rabbit

[ MISC ]

  • Ramiel's descended from true dragons, and is distinctly proud of his heritage. He'll talk readily about his dragon mother- although his description of her are vague at best.
  • His skin is white as snow, and his golden scales reflect light. It makes him flashy, pretty, and especially hard to forget- something that's gotten him into trouble more times than it's been useful.
  • He's bisexual and aro/gray-romantic, with a preference towards masc-presenting people.
  • Everything about his stature is loud and aggressive. Lots of hands on his hips or arms crossed, high on his chest, gestures. Very "I'm comfortable in my space and I don't have time for this" or "I'm bored with this conversation and I stopped properly listening a while ago."
  • He's a dexterous fighter rather than a strength based one. His AC bonus comes less from the durability of his armor and more from his ability to avoid getting hit at all.
  • He's egotistical, proud, but insecure and easily offended. Ramiel won't back down from a challenge, and his hair-trigger temper and loud mouth has gotten him into plenty of trouble.
  • Ramiel has little regard for the law. He grew up with the privilege to get away with far more than the average citizen- consequentially, laws don't mean much to him.
  • Ramiel's abrasive, hard to like, and harder to win over- but an undeniably loyal friend once his trust is earned.
  • When casting his Channel Divinity on a target, his holy symbol (a capital H) appears, glowing, hot, and temporarily burned onto the inside of his enemy's right forearm/wrist.