Moon (T-01-48)



3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Moon
Species: Human / Abnormality via Experimentation
Abnormality Classification: T-01-48
Threat Level: ZAYIN (Varies on phase)
400 HP | Weak to White Damage.
Department: Extraction

Work Results:
Instinct; 1-3 common, 4-5 high
Insight;  1-3 low, 4-5 common
Attachment; 1-2 common, 3-5 high
Repression; 1-5 very low

PE output: 30
(acts as a normal employee unless 'panicked',
in which she returns to what appears to be her
containment room.)

Special Ability:
Immortal Agent - Can die, but always comes back.
The experience is terrifying for her, and causes a panic.

Special/Prevent Transformation:
Moon requires Attachment work when within the containment
due to panic usually caused after 'dying' and coming back. Most
other work types are risky to act on.

Failure to 'Calm Down':
A complicated process, upon the failure to calm her down she becomes
an alternate self (Luna, or T-01-48-1). This alternate self does not leave
containment and cannot be used as an employee.

Presumably, a syndicate killed her family before she was old enough to properly
take care of herself, and in a desperate attempt to survive, she joined the Lobotomy
Corporation instead of submitting herself to the tortures of the backstreets.

Considering her home district (23) was very dangerous, she often had to hide or
attempt to defend herself. Cassiel joined Lobotomy Corporation at the age of 21.

Upon joining L Corp, The only team openings at the time were for the Extraction Team.
She didn't care at the time. She just wanted to consider herself safe. Unfortunately, due to
an accident shortly before joining... she did not remember her actual name.
In reality, it was Binah who gave her the name Moon, and for a short period of time. Binah
also treated Moon as if she were her child. Any peace that came with that was short lived
though, since Binah's true intentions were to experiment on Moon, leading to her unfortunate
immortality and strong fear of Binah for 'betraying her trust'. Even then, It seems she still sees
Binah as a parental figure.