


3 years, 10 months ago



  • Good-Natured
  • Mysterious
  • Observant
  • Wild

- A Q U A R I A T I -

SPECIES Woodface
AGE Unknown
ALIGNMENT True Neutral
PURPOSE Guardian Spirit
THEME ♫ ♫ ♫


Aquariati is a quiet and benevolent woodface spirit guardian of their namesake cemetary and it's surrounding waters. Rarely seen, they reveal themselves only to those with a good heart. Known to aid the weary and sick - the people believe that if rare and beautiful offerings are thrown into the pond, this woodface will come out and bless you with water poured from its central eye that has healing properties.

- from dust -

This little wet woodface was nurtured in a handful of grave dust. Ashen and weepy, this little one took a long time to grow, moping in the parched graveyard until given a spoonful of frog spawn as an offering. With this new source of energy, shining fins sprouted from its body. A final gift of seashells inspired the driftwood mask it made, perhaps representing its idea of a fish. For the first time, a freshwater spring appeared in the graveyard, quickly pooling and bringing with it new life to the death surrounding the newborn pond. The graveyard burst into bloom, its gloomy willows now robust and heavily laden with fireflies.

-the offering -

Sed sit amet quam rutrum, eleifend ex non, vulputate ante. Proin sed ipsum turpis. Sed posuere, risus vel convallis vehicula, diam turpis tincidunt tortor, semper tincidunt nisl dui sed magna. Donec posuere mi ut consequat varius. Nunc eu ante porta, pretium nibh sit amet, luctus elit. Duis mi velit, tempus ut ipsum at, mattis accumsan nulla. Morbi sit amet lobortis lectus, eget porttitor velit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed convallis enim et mauris interdum, at varius quam cursus. Nullam lobortis scelerisque mauris, eget facilisis neque viverra vel. In elementum tincidunt ultricies. Duis porta ex vitae laoreet laoreet. Proin et dolor ultricies, mollis dolor vulputate, mattis eros.

- metamorphasis -

Sed sit amet quam rutrum, eleifend ex non, vulputate ante. Proin sed ipsum turpis. Sed posuere, risus vel convallis vehicula, diam turpis tincidunt tortor, semper tincidunt nisl dui sed magna. Donec posuere mi ut consequat varius. Nunc eu ante porta, pretium nibh sit amet, luctus elit. Duis mi velit, tempus ut ipsum at, mattis accumsan nulla. Morbi sit amet lobortis lectus, eget porttitor velit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed convallis enim et mauris interdum, at varius quam cursus. Nullam lobortis scelerisque mauris, eget facilisis neque viverra vel. In elementum tincidunt ultricies. Duis porta ex vitae laoreet laoreet. Proin et dolor ultricies, mollis dolor vulputate, mattis eros.



Gravesande was given a second chance at life when the sweet waters poured from Aquariati's mask ran over her shallow grave. Forever thankful. Gravesande has taken great lengths to protect the woodface and their home.



Quiet and shy Wormwood and Aquariati became fast friends thru their shared love of Gravesande.


  • Music
  • Foraging
  • Gardening
  • Reading


  • Poachers
  • Pollution
  • Industry
  • Heat