


7 years, 4 months ago


  • Evan Richter

  • 2754749_Cl9LOaPjhtU9i5h.png
  • Age 27
  • Gender Male
  • Race Human
  • Role ?
  • RPLolita Demon Hunters on PW

"Yes, we are the Baron, we presume that you may have needed us, or were we wrong?" 

"My dear cane disagrees with you, both of us do. Please see yourself out the door, thank you."

Evan is a stoic person, curious, well-mannered, cold, sometimes a bit sarcastic, he doesn't like others touching his mask. Prefers to stuff about his past to himself mostly. He's a mix between Loyal and Disloyal, he shows loyalty by telling the truth the other he back stabs them or lie. It depends on what he feels like doing at the moment.

He always uses the royal "We" to describe himself and the cane as if it was alive, telling him to do things. But all of it is in his head.


DoB: December 1
Hunter Rank: Level B
Height: 5'10 (142lbs)
Demeanor: Stoic, Curious, Well-Mannered, Cold, Sometimes a bit Sarcastic, etc.
Seiyu/Voice:Hiroshi Kamiya
  • Earl Grey Tea
  • Raspberry Scones
  • Fruit
  • Well Cooked Steak
  • Wine
  • Rain
  • etc.
  • Sweet Tea
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Dust
  • People touching his Mask
  • His Burns
  • Mint
  • etc.

Character (wip)










Evan comes from a rich background with only two parents who were hunters and a younger brother, who he had a sibling rivalry with, he was giving anything he wanted and smothered by his parents- being the favorite among them. At the youngest age of 15, his father had taken him out to hunt with him and to train him. When he reached the age of 18, he was the take over his father's business manufacturer. His brother and he didn't have the best relationship, with their one-sided argument. On his brother's, Nathan, side at least.

He supposes it was mostly his fault, with always picking on him when they were nothing but children.

But Evan did not really care to engage with him in petty squabbles and the like. Neither did he even care to become the next heir to his father's business. Day in and Day out, the older the two siblings had gotten, the worse Nathan's jealousy had gotten.

Envy soon turns into hate.

It's when half of his face, neck, and face, was burnt by an 'accident', making him hideous.
And then the deaths in the family and a sudden disappearance of his brother. And when he had to wear a mask to try to hide the disfigured part of his face, then gloves to hide his ugly hands.

At the age of 27, Evan hadn't been the strongest at hunting when he was younger, but among the years, he have grown experience hunting them. But he grew bored and tired, fighting these things by himself was starting to weigh on him. When he found out about Phobos and Deimos he had decided to try out for Phobos, maybe they'll accept him or maybe not.

After all, who would want to work with a man like him?

 Certainly not himself.



A Mother and Father and a runaway Younger Brother.
