Buck Gallos



3 years, 10 months ago



  •  Name   Gerard Buck Gallos 
  •  Age   19 
  •  Gender   Non-binary 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 
  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

" Good luck big boy~"


Buck doesn’t exactly have one distinct personality. Depending on who he is speaking with, he can change his entire personality at the drop of a hat to one that is pleasing to the other person. However, there are certain aspects that do keep constant. On a normal basis, Buck is mean spirited and nasty. He says how it is and doesn’t care for another persons feelings. He’s not afraid to let you know how much he dislikes you. Alongside that, he is very pompous. Due to his upbringing, he looks down on others that he deems weaker or poorer than he is. He always wants to be one step ahead of things and will do anything in his power to be number 1. Cheating, lying, and manipulation come easy to him and it’s really the only way he knows how to interact with people. Do not underestimate him as he can and will make your life a living hell if he so chooses. On a more casual note, he is very flamboyant and open with his sexuality. Often dressing provocatively to garner the male gaze, the attention he gets from showing himself off feeds his massive ego.


Buck is short for an AMAB individual. He stands only at 5’6” and while he does wear platforms, that is only to make up for his digitigrade lion legs. HJis entire bottom half is anatomically a lion, tail and all. On top of his head grows sandy blond feathers. They grow relatively similarly to human hair due to his genetics, but he preens them often to keep them nice. His skin is a natural tan and his face can only be described as conniving. His lips curve into a grinch like smile, connected by a slightly hardened point, akin to a birds beak. His fingernails grow like talons and he keeps them sharp for a good self defense mechanism. On his shoulder blades are two masses of feathery tufts where, if he had been born AFAB, wings would have sprouted. The plumage grows across his shoulders and rests slightly down the arm, almost looking like shoulder pads. His eyes are a bright golden color, but are devoid of any sort of kind nature. His usual outfit includes the most modern of fashion with platform boots to help his legs look a bit normal to society. He wears opera gloves with most of his outfits, hiding a multitude of self inflicted scars.

  •  Ethnicity   Greek/Egyptian 
  •  Residence   Athens, Greece. (Currently in the USA) 
  •  Job   Student/Fashion Designer/Model
  •  Sexuality   Pansexual/Homoromatic 
  • ● Goes by his middle name and middle name only since Gerard is just embarrassing
  • ● Tries to keep a vegetarian diet.
  • ●Is diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder; more specifically, clinical pyschopathy
  • ●  Hatched on July 15th
  • ●  Weighs 110 lbs.
  • ● Has a heightened sense of sight and smell and an affinity for raw meat.
  • High end fashion
  • Retail Therapy
  • Conspiracy Theories
  • People watching
  • Getting “down and dirty”
  • Modeling
  • Emotions
  • Making friends
  • His adoptive father
  • Losing
  • Cheating on his diet
  • Khakis


Buck wasn’t born like a normal person. He was hatched. His mother was a gryphon, his father, a human. His mother was so proud of herself to finally become a mother. She had made a nice little nest in a tree nearby her lovers home in Greece. However tragedy struck the nest Buck’s egg sat in. With one little bump while his mother was out, the egg fell from the tree and rolled down a long ways until it stopped in a bush in a nearby park.

The date was Easter and the Gallos family, a well known and rich centaur family were out, letting their daughter Hypatia participate in a local egg hunt. The father, Archippos Gallos, was the man behind the high end fashion brand “Date & Gallos”. normally he didn’t allow his family to participate, but he was feeling generous this year. Suddenly his daughter came up to him and his wife, Iphigenia, with a much larger egg than any of the plastic ones hiding about. Wasn’t hard to identify this as an actual lost egg. Taking pity on the poor egg, Iphigenia convinced her husband to let them try and hatch it. Reluctantly, he agreed.

3 months passed as Iphigenia incubated the large egg, allowing it to live, and on the 15th of July, Buck finally had hatched. Of course a half human half gryphon boy is not what they expected, but they were dedicated and now, Archippos had a male heir that could take over his company, rather than his only daughter. So, Buck was adopted into the family and given a generic name out of respect for the unknown family he belonged to. From a young age, Buck showed prowess in everything he did. Academically he did amazing, but socially, he could only play a part. He also had a bad habit of torturing any bugs he came across, between burning ants with a magnifying glass, and taking the wings off butterflies. This didn’t gain him many friends. The only one that stuck with him was a fellow elite, the son of the booming coffee franchise Starlingbuck’s owner; a one Fulvous Boobook. Buck attached himself closely to Fulvous and over time, developed the closest thing to a crush he could get. However, his personality got meaner and meaner as he got older. He was trained young to take over the franchise his father owned and forced into an elite society. But this training was not always kind to him. Neither was his father. His father made all of his life decisions and threw the boy into child modeling once he grew into his looks. But as he grew, the more rebellious he got and the more he took his life into his own hands.

Using his good looks and manipulation tactics, he managed to pursue a modeling career all on his own. Sadly, a lot of times, he had to use his body to do so. But it was bringing in the cash he needed to perhaps make more of a name for himself. He tried to get his dear friend Fulvous into it but it never stuck. Soon enough, Buck was a big name in the modeling industry. However, Fuvlous, began to pull away. Due to a large misunderstanding and miscommunication, Fulvous ended up under the impression that Buck was merely being paid to be his friend. So Fulvous cut ties with Buck. The rejection hit hard and Buck melted into a spiral. Drinking, parties, letting others toy with him, he became the topic of much gossip as he trashed himself to cope with the loss of Fulvous, a coping mechanism that was closer to self harm than anything. He even went as far to sabotage his sisters college application just because he could. But he got sloppy in his little fit of revenge and was caught. As punishment, he was to go to college as well instead of continuing his training as an heir. He would go to Briar Universtiy, the same college Fulvous would be attending. Sadly, he didn’t learn and accepted an agreement to re-befriend Fulvous for partial payment for his studies by Fulvous’ father. He was going to make Fulvous his, whether he liked it or not.


Fulvous Boobook Fulvous was Bucks childhood friend. His only childhood friend. In fact Buck was so attached he was infatuated with him. However, in about high school age, they had a falling out, sending Buck into a self harming spiral. It wasn’t until college that they would meet yet again

Archippos and Iphigenia Gallos Archippos is Croms adoptive centaur father. A cold and ruthless man, he brought up Buck under an iron hoof. He treats both his kids and wife with no respect and only cares for Buck to succeed and take over the business, no matter how hard he has to break him to do so.Meanwhile, Iphigenia is his adoptive mother. She’s a calm spirit and will do as much as she can to appease her husband. Despite her situation, she does love her children, though she cant seem to properly express it.

Hypatia Gallos Bucks older sister. She was the one to find his egg that faithful Easter Day. However, she regrets it wholly. The two do not get along and He cares not to have been found while she wishes to have never found him. Once Hypatia is free she swears she’ll take everything she can from him.

Manuel Fuentes Bucks unlabeled partner.  Technically he’s his boyfriend,but buck isn’t willing to admit that. However Buck relies on him a lot emotionally and his original feelings towards Fulvous had only begun to switch towards Manuel. He doesn’t like it and refuses to acknowledge he can feel anything at all.

Bailey Gridnstone Bailey is one who can be considered Buck’s best friend. They have helped him through a lot and he was able to help them as well. He can somewhat admit to liking Bailey’s company and they have good chemistry together. Buck’s never had a real friend as a teen or adult before, but it’s nice to know at least someone doesn’t think he’s the worst person in the world.

profile html by Hukiolukio