🐝 Clover 🐝



Over, and over, the pheromones, the overwhelming harmony, consuming, the Colony - Β the Circle rules your life!

Spiral of Ants ; Lemon Demon

Name: Clover Cynthia

Gender: Female

Species: Vespiquen

Crystallized?: Yes

Human-turned-Pokemon?: No

Team?: Sugarheatz!

Age: 36 years

Height: 3'11" (1.1938 m)

Birthday: March 30th

Type: Bug/Flying

Guardian: Azelf

Nature: Hasty (+Speed, sweet ; -Defense, sour)

Ability: Unnerve (Unnerves opposing PokΓ©mon and makes them unable to eat Berries.)

Status: Currently living


Defense Order (The user calls out its underlings to shield its body, raising its Defense and Sp. Def stats.)

Attack Order (The user calls out its underlings to pummel the target. Critical hits land more easily.)

Fell Stinger (When the user knocks out a target with this move, the user’s Attack stat rises drastically.)

Power Gem (The user attacks with a ray of light that sparkles as if it were made of gemstones.)

Known relatives:

All her children! (Combee)

Cypress (husband ; Beedrill ; status unknown)


No inventory


Clover is a fun, cheery and all-around extroverted Crystallized Vespiquen! She loves babying her Combee, and also babying everybody else, because they're all liddle babies compared to her, all so cute and innocent- she's as sweet as the honey her hive creates, and about as understanding of being told 'no' as a toddler who also happens to be a humongous bee. As long as you do not try to 'disrespect' her or her Combee or anything, she will be happy and you will be healthy! But if you do not- prepare to face the wrath of the hive.
Although Clover likes to hoard, she is above outright stealing items. She will purchase them, like any regular, civilized Pokemon. She is not, however, above kidnapping her favorite new friend and bringing them back to her hive for an extended playdate! Thank goodness most of her children do not approve of this, and usually kick the poor Pokemon out after they are taken there.
She's also like super stupid.


Clover Cynthia was born in the same hive she now leads, groomed to be the next leader by her own mother. She took over leadership from her mother, and everything was well-- for a short while. Until the entire hive was overtaken by Crystallization. Honey crystals (or, what can only assumed to be honey crystals) started growing on every Combee, every worker and drone, even Clover herself. But none of them seem too concerned about it. In fact, many of them seem to be enthused by the amber crystals growing all over themselves! Well- most of them, at the very least. She runs a Rescue Team with her Combee known as 'Team Sugarheartz'.
Clover uses the surplus honey that the worker Combee gather in her own sweet's shop in Azelf's town, known as the Sugarheatz Shop. With the funds she gains from this shop, she and her Combee are able to buy more and more expensive flowers to plant around their hive, and have the ability to produce more exotic types of honey! Just be wary that you are not too nice to Clover herself- she can be incredibly