


7 years, 8 months ago


God of love, a big jokester and very cuddly

Name-  Daevi

Nicknames- Jolly Blue Giant


Holy Status-  God of War/Self Appointed God of Love


Weapon of ChoiceScimitars, one for each arm


Appearance- Daevi has two forms, his normal un-active form where he's a stury seven feet tall and bears four arms, and his 'god' form where he's a whopping nine and a half feet tall and has a minimum of eight arms. His design takes inspiration from Hindu deities, notably the blue skin and the stacking of multiple shoulders. Not to mention his garb and general design. Occasionally when in full god form his skin takes on the appearance of the cosmos, dark blue with sparkling constellations and nebulas, its very rare though as it takes a lot of his energy and he really likes to try and stay peaceful.


Clothing- Understandably he's not a big shirt guy. If he has to keep his chest covered its usually under a myriad of scarves, but really when you look that good why even bother covering up your chest. 


Personality-   he's a big sweetheart. Even when he was fulfilling his Godly duties he was always jovial and good natured. 



Background Info- Daevi was born specifically to be the God of War, his parents were gods and he was raised very strictly to follow out his heavenly duty. He took this lifestyle to heart for the longest time until he started to fall in love with an angelic valkyrie after fighting alongside her in thousands of battles. Eventually his actions and his feelings got her killed, as its considered sinful for angels to mingle with anything other than their own, and she didn't even reciprocate his feelings. The idea of simply feeling for someone being the cause of another dying, it tore him up inside and he left heaven for good, forging his own path and doing his best to birth himself anew as a god of love. In story Daevi is currently living with humans and trying to gain a better persepctive on life from various places to better understand the world he has power over.


x.x I really need to build this part up like Lucilles but for the most part you get the gist of it. 



