


3 years, 10 months ago


Coconut crab

~42 y.o | male | he\him | pansexual | 
195 cm | 100 kg

Maks is charismatic character, but annoying to people around him. He loves dark humor, molest to everyone and if Maks had eyes on you then he'll do nasty things like slap on ass, say dirty words, trying to kiss and etc. As a result if you accept this, after sex he'll forget you or disappear to the next time (if you're not his comrad, if you are then he'll act as normal and maybe offer sex in another time). But if you cancel his attention again and again he won't stop. The best way is ignore him. Maks will continue to do things he was do, but your nerve will be safe and maybe later he get off from you.

Maks works on mafia and also bothering his boss sometimes. Even so Maks likes him because he is the best boss that Maks ever had.
He is doing job well: like kill or be bodyguardian. Also he is head of illegal market where you can buy organs, real meat, horns and other animal things (universe when live Maks and Oliver it's an animal world where also lives anthro and furry animal. Real meat substituted by bean meat or something like that).

Maks is omnivore creature and his loveble thing after meat that a hot chocolate and other sugar food. He study a biology many years while was in mafia and don't know what to do in free time, also he know a lot of ancestry animal (animal like in our world) and humanity animal (like antho or furry). Also Maks good in literature and physicist and a little in chemist.
From his childhood to maturity (~20 y.o) he lived on polynesian island as Oliver. And as Oliver he is cannibal and scavenger. His psychic was hurted because he was a slave. But when he got ~10 y.o he killed his master and start live by his own as hermit, sometimes kills other coconut crabs on island.

Even so he kills people and do other mafia stuff he still agains killing albinos, use horns, shells and other animal part as a "medicine" (placebo), rasism, sexism. Also Maks for science progress (like artificially grow meat).