

3/3 (Xxx) ♂

Mate: (Are you actually flirting with me or not you heathen) Badger

Cannon Kids: (step-dad status) Finch, Robin

A soft pillow, a never ending bowl of food, and toys he could shred whenever he wished. Crab lived a life of luxury in his opinion. The two-leg who owned him had nothing but the tom to care for. Dressing him in small two-leg wear, taking him out on the town to show off. His gold decorations glittering with the sun. Crab liked to think of himself as too good for the other cats around the block. Their dingy fur holding immeasurable amounts of yuck he didn't want to think about. Everything was perfect. Which made it so much worse when the end came.

It had started as a normal day. His two-leg went out to wherever they go in the morning leaving him rule over the house. Sitting on the large soft nest located in front of the picture box Crab was getting ready to take one of many snoozes. He was at least until a crash came from the kitchen. Neck fur on end the tom stared off into its direction. Waiting for any signs of an attacker inside the house. Taking a hesitant jump off and onto the floor he could finally hear voices coming from the adjoining room. Those strays! "Out! Out! Get out this is my territory!" Running across the tile floor Crab made a bee line at the two scrambling cats who had come through the open window. Scaring them was his best bet if they turned to attack... not letting those thoughts stick Crab swatted at the lank legs of the two strangers as they fled outside once more. In hot pursuit the tom followed after not thinking on the fact he was outside without his two-leg. "And stay out you mangy no good! AGHHH!" Puffed up more then he had ever allowed himself the yowls of rage echoing off the walls. Why had those two even entered the house? His food wasn't kept in the kitchen, and the strays avoid the two-legs like the plague. Ears back in confusion the tom didn't hear the figure sneaking up on him, nor the net he now found himself in.

Caught and thrown in a cage like a common feline! Didn't they know who he was?! Crab had not stopped fighting the whole time here, but now his predicament had sunk in. Trapped in a monster alongside dozens of other cats and... dogs. Now curled tightly against the back of his cage the tom could only listen to the small world around him. Listen as an exasperated voice blabbed on about being so close to opening the cage. Wait...

Taking a glace up Crab found himself watching a larger tom pawed desperately at the door of his cage. His freshly nicked ear and the smell of 'vet' told Crab this cat had been here awhile. "It won't open with you doing that. Besides we're in a moving monster what do you plan to do? Jump out?" The calico tom stopped in his tracks at the noise, shooting a glare at Crab "Maybe... what would you recommend genius?" Puffing up proudly Crab examined the door to his cage before reaching a paw out with purpose. Claws catching on the latch as he pulled it down, and pushing aside once the latch lowered. "Open it." Jumping down Crab found the other tom watching him with confusion "How?" The look stuck on his face as Crab turned to unlock his. "My two-leg could never keep me in one of these. Called me an escape artist whatever that is. Now I want to see you jump out of the monster."

Jump out Badger did. Unlucky for Crab he ended up following when a dog nearby slammed into the side of its cage. The startled tom running before he could remember where he was.

"There, now you know how I ended up in this misera- wonderful clan." Recounting his tale to the wide eyed kits before him as Badger sits beside Crab. "This one got us out of many encounters with the two-legs, but he's our expert so don't go trying to do the same." Batting Crab playfully as he warned the kits. The tom feigning annoyance at the fighters action. It wasn't paradise that was for sure, but maybe it could be home.