
3 years, 11 months ago


An ever so mysterious travelling doctor, Ateera is a very quiet, private woman who doesn't like to be bothered. Often, she'd rather do things on her own without having to rely on others for help... but alas, everyone needs help, even a doctor like her.
Ateera, while carrying various types of medicines in her bag, primarily specializes in the care of wounds. She can work on any wound, however gross or nasty.. or.. even.. however bloody it is- The woman sees through it all to ensure that her patient will not get infected.

Currently, she's on a very special mission in life: Get rid of the curse on Lotus, and return her back to her home. She doesn't want to admit it, but she truly has gotten attached to the monstrous gardevoir, but she knows that she definitely has a home she needs to go back to. And she's willing to help her as much as possible, as much as possible indeed.

Ever wonder why Ateera wears a mask and covers herself up as much as she does? Under all of that clothing, are deep, old painful scars from when she was attacked in her past. The woman's especially sensitive about her face, due to a horrible injury that caused her to lose one of her eyes. Being half-blind isn't fun, especially when your aim was to journey all on your own. But Ateera does her best to get through life, no matter how painful it may be.