


3 years, 10 months ago


Demigirl (She / Her)
Magical Cat






Shy . Quiet . serious

Mage is a very quiet and shy person, often doing whatever she can to avoid people, and avoid socializing. She can become very anxious and distant around new people, to the point where she can even come off as rude often when she wants to be alone. Any other time she often refuses to speak at all. Deep down she does care about people, she would just prefer to be a safe distance away from strangers. Mage can also be pretty serious as well, taking pretty much everything she says and does seriously and literally. Otherwise she usually has a pretty calm nature to her, being a pretty patient person with everything around her.

Mage was born with magic powers, and can summon different types of elements from her hands, although she can usually only do it in small bursts. She can also perform certain spells as well, such as memory wiping, levitating items, and more. The spells sometimes backfire or don’t work, especially the memory wipe spell that only makes people forget memories from the past week or so. Mage spends all of her time practicing her magic. Being a magical being, her goal is to fully master her powers to be used for good, and protection of others. 

Being born from moon dust, Mage has a strong, psychic connection to the moon, and has the ability to see the galaxies from the moon’s point of view. Whenever she looks at the galaxies, other people can see the stars and space in her eyes.

Her psychic connection to the moon might also have something to do with her magic ability to create stardust from the fluff in her wrists, a power she has yet to fully master.


  • Magic
  • Space
  • Forests

  • Loud noises
  • Witches
  • Trypophobia
The moon...It speaks to me...






Mage was born after being created using a combination of magic, and moon and stardust from her master. Mage’s body aged a lot slower then the average person, making her exact age unclear, but one thing that was obvious since birth was that she had magic powers...But didn’t know how to use them.


Growing up, Mage pretty much spent all her time training with her master, to figure out how to use her magic powers. The more she trained, the more she figured out  the types of powers she had. Small control of certain elements, levitating, memory wipe spells, and many more. It was always unclear what her most powerful type of magic was, so she instead spent her time training with each type.

As she grew up, she also had visions of the galaxies, whether it be in her dreams, or visions that would randomly spark up. After some research and speculation from her master, it was determined that Mage has a psychic connection to the moon, and can see the stars and space straight through the moon’s point of view. 

Eventually, after growing older and gaining more control over her magic powers, she eventually moved out to live on her own.


Mage lives closer to the edge of Fluffia, in a more secluded area near a forest where she can practice her magic in peace. She still does mostly the same as she’s done before, practicing her magic, usually alone but sometimes with her master. She wants to be able to master more powerful spells, but struggles doing so.

She’s also learned recently that she can summon stardust out of the fluff in her wrists, and wants to try to utilize that in a powerful way.


  • Mage was born using a combination of moon dust and magic.
  • Mage continued practicing her magic until she became good enough to live on her own.
  • Mage now lives alone, practicing her magic skills more.
code by jiko | background by @ user