
Valentin (Val) Reference Age: 20 Gender: Male and identifies as male Color: Magenta/Pink Pronouns: He/Him Relationship Status: Taken to Gray (they/them) Parents: Leonardo / Stella Siblings: Salvador (Sal) - twin brother & Quantum (Q) - adopted sibling Other family: Raph, Mikey, Donnie (Uncles) Splinter (Grandpa father’s side) Scarpheus (adopted grandpa mother’s side) Big Mama/Draxum (????) And whatever other family extensions like Piebald or Buddy aka Frankenfoot will still show up in the series Weapon: Twin Tech Blades, he fights with two swords that are usuall blunt, he can turn them sharp by pressing a hidden button on his sword which makes the edge of them glow bright pink. This indicates ‘sharpness’ Another feature of the swords is that they can be used as whips when their different segments are separated and Val can use this feature to for movement. They can also be squished by pressing the different segments together. Val is the son of Leonardo (mutated turtle) and Stella (lizard yokai) and carries traits of both his parents. He has his eyes, skin color, face markings and arm markings (like blue armbands) from his dad. The lack of a shell as well as his hair, tail and facial features are from his mother. While as a kid he often times was self-conscious due to his lack of a shell, which often times made him feel like he’s not an actual ‘ninja turtle’ his grown up self has a brash and optimistic personality. Val has trained hard since childhood and mastered wielding his twin blades. Also, Val wears a battleshell-protector, similar to Donnie and Gal, but Val’s (aside of protection) is used for storage of his weapons and other helpful things. Val plans to become ‘New York’s greatest hero’ and admires an infamous hero of the Hidden City called ‘Shadow Sting’. He is Val’s greatest inspiration, next to his dad of course. Val gets along with people easily due to his extroverted nature, his charm and his caring attitude. He loves hanging out with others, adores his family, and works hard to keep everyone in New York safe. He’s teaching sword-fighting and heroism at his own dojo and has a bunch of students of various ages. Val is weak to pretty people, and doesn’t prefer any gender. Pretty is pretty. He’s very happily taken to his significant other Gray, a short mutant turtle with a anger issues and a gremlin personality who he met at age 15 (Gray was 13 at the time). They became his very first student, and even though it took Val years to realize his feelings for them, he’s always admired and liked them a lot and tried to get them on the right path.