Nissa Seheppen



3 years, 10 months ago


Nissa Seheppen, is a druid of the Circle of Spores. known to be Chaotic Good when able. Her visage is that of a forest gnome, and she hails from the ticklebelly nomad background for playing purposes.

She speaks Gnomish, common, drudic, and giant. And favors the sickle and quarterstaff.

Age: 63 Years, like a young wine
height: 3'1" and proud
weight: about 45lbs
features: tattoo left sleeve, and a burn scar (r. shoulder), scar on left side of head.
She is motivated by discovery, has a bad habit of collecting odd things (mushrooms), and is on a quest for vengeance on dragons.

BG and bonds:
PT- Villages, towns, and cities do not suit me. I'd rather be out in the wilderness any day.
I-Wanderlust. One must expand their horizons by seeing the world and exploring. (Chaos)
B-The dragon's presence in the hills destroyed valuable territory and resulted in deaths within my tribe. The creature must pay for what it has done.
F-My desire to experience new things causes me to make unsafe choices. ***

feats/traits: at home in the wild, speak with small beasts, natural illusionist, gnome cunning, wild shape, circle of spores, Circle spells, halo of spores, symbiotic entity,fungal infestation

she keeps a white scale on a necklace as a trophy.

cantrips- Minor illiusion (race+), Shilleagh, mending, thornwhip, chill touch (class +)
lv1- entangle, healing word, purify food and drink, detect magic
lv2- healing spirit, pass w/o trace, hold person, blindness/deafness (class+), gentle repose (class+)
lv3- animate dead (class+), gaseous form (class+), call lightening, dispel magic, erupting earth