Sukbaator Mol



3 years, 10 months ago



"Stars hang heavy with forewarning and suffering. Not just for you but in general, will you rise to face it?"

Name: Sukbaator Mol (sook-BAH-tour mole)
Called: Suk (sook)
Gender: male
Age: 21
Race: Au Ra/ Xaela
Origin: Othard Stepes
Height: About 7ft
Build: Wirey, lean and athletic.
Demeanor: Quiet, observant, approachable, sad resting face.
Playlist: 'x'

Physical Description:

Face: Longer face, that's rectangular. Heavier scaling on the face compared to others of his race. Giving a full 'beard' like appearance.

Eye colour: Black iris, dark grey sclera, and seafoam green limbal ring.

Skin and scales: Dark brown skintone. Black scales are more matt than glossy and have a very rectangular/blocky structure, much like a crocodile. where the scales thin out and form longer lines, the scales tend to fade more into skin. Becoming softer.

Horns: Thick, forward curving horns at where his 'ears' should be. These ones are often decorated with beads and strips of ribbon. Just above the temples he has two black smaller horns that lean back over the crown of the head.

Facepaint: The facepaint on his forehead is enchanted to provide protection. Activated manually. Its in the shape of a tree. Those who can see aether can see it glow.

Posture: Relaxed and open. But not unbalanced.

Clothing style/inspiration: Rustic and tribal. Self-made. Unfinished hems and travel wear lend a almost hobo vibe. Richer furs and better made outfits he uses for ritual or more eorzean style of dress when in the cities and trying to peddle his wares.











  • Strong Aetherical ability
  • Seer
  • Echo
  • Astrologian/star touched
  • Archery
  • Displaced
  • Suseptible to void.
  • Aetherical instability
  • Cant cook but tries anyway
  • Naive
24635344_G36OUJAYaH2vNCp.pngQuick Facts: 
  • While powerful, it comes with some instability and 'leaks' in his aether and ability. Some tasks he might not be as confident in tend to be effected the most where his uncertainty gains traction and sabotages his own work. Such as cooking or learning to swim. But he doesn't realize this himself.
  • The leaks leave small pathways leaves him suseptible to possession or various forms of control.
  • Prefers clothes that show some skin. Being entirely covered makes him feel cornered. Which is also why he prefers skirts to pants.
  • Crafter. Loves to be making things. Usually plush toys for kids. But his main source of income is selling protection charms.
  • Powerful mage who's ability is only amplified with the Echo. Specializes in shielding magicks. And healing. Pulls aether from the celestial bodies.
  • His shielding knowledge and ability is amplified with the echo adn he can create shields from distance and over large areas. He also can create ones tied to objects that can be activated with the proper keyword. Knowing that those with 'seer' traits had been vanishing from the steppes as well as those with useful aetherical ability, kidnappings suspected of the Garleans, Suk's tribe made the difficult decision to send him away where the Empire would have a harder time finding and catching him.

Kind and open, though lost. Overall he's a friendly nature and enjoys company of others. Though he struggles a great deal being on his own after always having the Tribe there and tribal support. It gives him a naivety that can be easily used by others in the foreign lands. He also struggles with the sedate and stationary livestyle in Eorzea. Still staying nomadic and travelling often. Can show signs of a inferiority complex and struggles to feel valuable and like he's ever doing enough.

Knowledge and Schooling
Educated and knowedgeable in the ways of his homeland and lifestyle. His understanding of aetherics, especially in regards to aestrology, is rather expansive. Though he describes and processes it more through a spiritual and traditional lens compared to some others. Math he's decent at. He learns to read and write after coming to Eorzea and is helped a great deal in expanding his learning from Unegen.

Beliefs and Morals (spiritual/religious and social)
Very highly spiritual, he carries the beliefs in the Old Gods, the gods often forgotten in the other Tribes who mainly only recognize Dawn Father and Dusk Mother. His strong spiritualism is pervasive thorugh all aspects of his life and shapes him greatly.
Overall moral and upstanding socially. Fairly self-less. Belives that the needs of the group outweigh the needs of the individual in most cases. Individual sacrifice must be made to serve the Tribe and continue its survival.

Family Values
Highly family minded and motivated. And family is counted as whoever is in the Tribe, rather than who is a direct blood relative.
Does come to have his own family with Unegen.
Influences: Grandfather- The main male role model growing up. His grandfather is current spiritual leader of the tribe and seeing Suk's potential, took him in to mentor from his first words. Grooming him to be the future leader for their tribal unit. Though their relationship is often rocky, his Grandfather is a hard and exacting man who expects much, demands perfection, and gives little in the way of praise or encouragement. A man for whom very little is ever 'good enough'. Though Suk craves his Grandfather's aproval and would frequently push himself beyond limit for that fleeting praise.
Mother- The warmth of his upbringing. She was a good woman. Though long grieved her husband. She could be rather absent in his and his brother's life. Many long stretches of care were spent with neighbors in the tribe or with his Grandfather directly. Though he doesn't blame her for it. Instead he charishes the time she did spend with them and directly caring for them.
Older brother- Revered their father and his death hit him hard. Already walking the warrior path, this only pushed Khuchar to persue it more. The often absences of their mother, leaving him to look after his little brother, left him bitter and angry as well. A lot of that he channeled and directed down to Suk. Suk who was destined to become leader just by being born with strong aether. Instead of him having to struggle and work for becoming any sort of leader of the warrior side of the clan. Having to earn the right as he did. Much of their growing up was Khu coming up with new and creative ways to bully his younger brother. Though at the same time is very protective of Suk and does seek out his company. This has left their relationship rather strained and complicated. With many ups and downs.
Father- Died when he was very young and he has little memory of the man. Suk often struggles with feelings of resentment to wards his father, that his death brought so much strife to his immediate family.

Political Views
Being traditional Xaela, trials through combat/skill are acceptible forms as ways to settle disagreements and determine leaderships. Though being Mol, he does realize that strength isn't always about physical, combative strength like it can be for some of the other Tribes. Democratic values are a bit foreign to him.

Technology Views
Rather ignorant and often distrustful, given that its the heavy persuit from the Garleans. And the depravity that the Garleans seem to go to in their persuit of superior technology. Though some things like mammets he comes to learn to make/repair as he finds the 'living toys' rather charming and cute.

Prejudices or Strong Distrusts
He can be a touch distrustful of other Xaela he meets out and around Eorzea or while crossing the steppe. Not knowing what tribe he's dealing with and how they might react to his presence and tribe. Tribal rivalries can be extended and marked with blood. Even among the 'outcasts' like himself. Has a distaste for Garleans.

Goals and Motivations
The goal still stands that he's to lead the Tribe after his grandfather's passing. He just hopes it'll be safe enough for him to return when that time comes. That motivates him to try to keep contact with them despite the great distance. To keep up with the changes and issues that happen within the Tribe in his absence. It motivates him to continue to learn and grow in order to be the leader his grandfather expects of him.

Failure and disappointing those who are counting on him.

Combat Style
Long range magical combat. Short-mid range bow combat.
He prefers fighting be kept at range, allowing him sufficient time to prepare and cast spells. Though if someone closes too much and he can't upkeep his magic, he will swap to a bow and defend himself that way. Combat is viewed as a given on the steepe and so he keeps his options open on how to defend himself.

placeholderBackground Story


[ relationship ] Friend, mentor, lover.


[ relationship ] description.


[ relationship ] description.
