Sorellus Prime



3 years, 9 months ago


Current name: Sorellus prime (deprived from Italian 'sorella' meaning 'sister')

previous name: soreltia (soar-el-tea-ah) 

nicknames: Sorellus, the little prime, the sister of the primes, the sister. 

gender: femme

faction: autobots

alt.mode: sports car pick-up truck


the one main thing that lead to her being a prime was her undying kindness. She's always giving everyone a second chance. Thing is, she's beyond too naive and ignorant of the world, which makes her easy to take advantage of. She doesn't set limits and always wants to say yes to please everyone. She's pushing her self to make other happy and keep bonds connected. Her lack of limits has time and time again made her to partially blame for trouble others may cause. It's safe to say, she's a little immature. But she makes up for it with her will to forgive and forget. She always wants to see the best in people and always strives for a fact that there's hope.  She has this terrible anxiety that if she can't make everyone happy then she's not a good prime. She bottles this up and never vents because she believes it will burden someone and make her a bother, which she doesn't want to be. She also feels guilty for the fact that she might be to blame for the war somehow, in her thoughts anyway. This can at times get very dangerous as all her negative emotions would pour out at once if she's pushed way past breaking point. Others have taken advantage and pushed her to breaking point, but not to where her emotions become a flood of tears and eons of trying to make everyone happy at her own expense. It's going to happen at some point but she's telling no one. She wants to make sure no one knows about her insecurities. But that doesn't mean she doesn't want to listen to everyone's problems. If anyone has a problem, she listens. She wants to help others and help them feel better. Behind the facade of a prime with the patience of a saint, is a femme who wants to let all her sadness go. She's still young and has much to learn. She wants to fix her problem, but puts others first. 


soreltia was an ordinary femme before she became a prime. She was always clumsy and a chatter box, but very well meaning. She was majoring psychology in her school, wanting to know how processors worked and if there was a problem, how she could help. She was about to finish when a civil war broke out during a study trip. She, among other students her age, were not mature enough to fight so they fled Polyhex, where they were exploring the psychology museum. However, she stayed. She decided to fight for the right side. she decided to guard an access to the well in all the catastrophe as that was what was in a line of fire. she was given the matrix of leadership for her sacrifice and helped resolve the conflict. despite the upgrade, she still was very naive and a pushover, how still tried to be kind to everyone and wanted to help everyone. this angered a few of the primes as she had given too many second chances to the wrong people. thus, they removed the matrix from her chest and placed her in stasis, sending her away from cybertron, hoping she would learn her lesson one day. in stasis, she gained the ability to see cybertron from the primes, so they could show her what she did and noticed everyone forgot about her. however, she noticed a war escalate and felt upset she could never do anything about it. she has yet to be retried by the primes, however, the matrix would be needed for that, and the primes that sent her away decide it's best for her to stay where she is. 

if Optimus does decide to wake her timeline:

She sees Optimus as an older brother. putting her in stasis has kept her from aging, so she's still the same age she was when she became a prime. however she has somewhat learnt her lesson. she will say no, unless pushed further. she still worries about not being a good prime. she wants to go to optimus for advice, however she wants to not do that as she thinks she will be pestering him, resulting her in being more quiet and reserved than what she use to be, making her appear serene, however, on the inside she's crying over her mistakes and when offered to vent she declines it so she doesn't appear to be a faulty prime and the cycle keeps continuing on her own fault. 


- the thing on her helm is like a veil

- the fabric-like skirt is made of a tarp that is placed over a full bed of a truck. 

- she's based on the ultimte forms of magical girls like: Ultra happy (Smile Precure), Godoka (Madoka Magica), Princess Serenity (Sailor moon)

- seeing cybertron through her dreams was temporary. as soon as cybertron fell, she lost it and can never regain it