The Medic



3 years, 9 months ago


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Her real name is Gloom Graves--a half elf born into a noble family. Following a fire that destroyed her family home and killed her mother and father, Gloom took up it the guise of "The Medic", a necromancer who uses her dark gifts to give those who've died an untimely death a second chance at life. 

From about the thigh down, Medic's body is comprised of tar. This is both because she botched her first attempt at necromancy, and also because over time, the dark arts eill corrupt you physically and mentally. It rapidly deteriorates the users body, turning it to tar which will eventually lead to an early grave for the necromancer. Medic took up necromancy in an attempt to save her younger sister, whose body was badly damaged by the fire, but intact. In the weeks leading to her attempt to raise her sister, Medic studied and practiced on small animals, unknowingly wasting precious time. By the time she managed to revive her, there was hardly anything to revive. Her baby sister--Genevieve--was basically too far decayed and came back braindead, tar leaking from her ears, eyes, nose and mouth. She acts a bit like a zombie, but Medic is convinced she's still in there somewhere.

The Medic travels around the kingdom, offering her services at funerals in exchange for vials of blood, which she uses to try and restore Genevieve to a normal state. She knows her time is running short as she feels her body succumbing to the black tar, but she will use the rest of her short life to try and give her baby sister the life that was robbed of her.

Personality wise, Medic is morbid and deadpan with her words. It's nearly impossible to tell when she's joking or not, but she has been known to make distasteful jokes at funerals she attends quite often. Not many people find her pleasant to be around, but she does have a pure heart and a strong desire to help others.