Joy Lewis



3 years, 10 months ago



☆ Joy Lewis | 22 | She/Her ☆


Seems pretty expressionless at first tho she's kind hearted. She opens up more after being reborn. Quiet.

☆ LIKES (after being reborn)

Diane | Bird Watching | Drawing |
Netflix & Chill | Candy | 


-Main Story-

In this universe, the overworld and the underworld are literally worlds apart, you could view them as the top and bottom layer of a sandwich in which a bunch of worlds exist in between.

In the underworld there's two ways for demons to come to 'life': one being for already existing demons to go to an existing realm and steal a soul and the other for a fallen angel to adapt to the underworld.

Joy had been created off a human soul, a weak one at that, which has made her unable to walk, needing to fly at all times to move around.

In the underworld there are several positions regarding the demons statistics; Joy, not being able to walk and having lower than average strenght, had to perform a less physical task: guiding fallen angels through the underworld.

As far as fallen angels go, some can succumb the moment they land while others can adapt and live there for quite a while (Lucy being the one able to live there for longest without showing signs of weakness), it was Joy's duty to find and guide any fallen angels through the basics of the underworld.

While her patrol duty, Joy ends up finding Diane while unconscious which then later promises to help escape the underworld.

Joy's soul by some miracle manages to survive being reborn, although still weak.

The scars where hmjpuier wings used to be, much like Diane's seal, only show when they meet again and get back their memories. They get together not long after meeting again.

They get married at 22/21 respectively, later adopting a daughter named after them, Joane.
