


3 years, 10 months ago


Name Cynthia Gearstrong
Age 67
Gender Female
Height 6'4"
Build Very Strong
Race Name Dropper
Job Disney CEO Assistant
Orentation Lesbian

Fun Facts

  • She's a natural bartender, able to mix drinks with grace.
  • She fought hard for her and Rey to have good connections with the cog bosses, knowing Rey tried her best as well.
  • Rey's laugh always comforted Cynthia and that's what brought her a lot of joy in life.
  • She started dating Rey in highschool, having been set up with Rey by accidentally falling into her arms and Rey asking her to the upcoming prom.
  • Her quote is "The souls who are fooled easily will continue to be, though the souls who aren't will help to change that".



Cynthia Gearstrong is a strong 67 year old woman who doesn't take crap from anyone. She has a shiny metal spine and horns made of titanium. She loves tinkering with gadgets but her main passion is to bartend, having fun mixing drinks in a bit of a show way. This all being said, she does have a slight soft spot for her friends Roulette, Churro, and her wife Rey. Cynthia can be cold to many people, but to them she can't completely be so, especially not with Rey where she's completely swept off her feet there.

Cynthia knows her iron-horned ways can hurt others. She always hopes she at least would never hurt Rey, but has the habit of speaking from her mind and being completely honest. If she feels like she might hurt Rey's feelings she'd apologize-- though theres no need to. She doesn't, however, apologize to Roulette when she's being brutally honest becauase as much as she loves Roulette, he's a chaotic person to be around 24/7.



  • Champagne
  • Tall Women
  • Bartending
  • Gambling
  • Gossip
  • Cherry Tea


  • Arrogance
  • Chickening Out
  • Disneybots
  • Forging Doccuments
  • Forgetting Names


Cynthia lives with Roulette, having tried moving on from what has happened after the shutdown. She loves her wife a lot and misses her, wearing her necklace all the time as she bartends. Her life was rough, still is as she tries to stay strong each day and can be a bit snappy with people. Roulette and Dream On are the only people she really has at this point but she is determined to help RD when she sees them. She has venom for Wallis for kicking her and Roulette out of Mousquarade Casino, pissed that he forged a will for it. She doesn't take kindly to him at all and wishes that she never let Rey give Wallis the company. She hates what she did but cannot change the past. The only thing she can do now is move on into the future with the memory of how Rey used to be especially in the final years where Rey was wheelchair bound. She thinks highly of Roulette and Rey, but also misses Churro who was a key part to the group as well-- having made Churro a new arm when Churro's arm was ripped off. She never gave up to what she believed was right in life and never will. not even with how Wallis is trying to screw her and her remaining family over.


In recent times, Cynthia has ended up living with Roulette after Rey's death and being put into debt and such by Wallis. They lost Disney Mansion due to him, and she holds resentment especially after Disneybots. She got into a fight with a Suck-Up and had barely managed to escape, realizing that Wallis went all out on the things. She tries to just keep to her bar part of Roulette's new casino as she has a photo of Rey with her at all times. She wears Rey's necklace all the time in memory of her late wife, knowing they never said death do us part and instead that Rey would watch over her. She's mellowed out over the years and tries to not snap at others, but refuses to ever speak about her necklace/about Rey. The only person she will ever talk about Rey and Churro with is Roulette, but breaks down if she thinks too much on it due to it feeling like open wounds. Though all this, she's still seen as a tough lady who is good at what she does and is able to take down enemies with ease, riding her motorcycle into the night as she tries to keep a level head in hard times.


Rey O Disney Wife


"your smile brights an entire room you beautiful fool...I love you"

Roulette Friend?


"you're chaos but she likes you.."

Churro Spotswork Friend


"ah you're sweet Churro, I'm sure it will all be ok.."

Wallis E Disney Brother In Law


"you disgusting horrid disappointment...I hate you with my entire life."

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