


3 years, 11 months ago


sshhhhh its for a thing on insta/amino

Nick was born in Tampa, right above where Cierun City was going to be founded. He had parents, but they didn’t really support them and eventually died when he was 8. His brother was 10 at the time, and he tried his best to take care of Nick but he sucked at it tbh. They went to many foster families but when Geo was 16, he’d had enough and moved to brand-new Cierun City, and attempted to raise Nick himself. 

At this time, Nick started highschool, he was very interested in writing music, singing, and space exploration (like everyone else). Through elementary and middle, he usually kept to himself, not making a lot of friends, he didn’t really mind though, he was doing well by himself. Geo wasn’t much help either, he was usually working part-time jobs, busy with his own work, etc. However, Geo tried his best in making Nick feel loved and tried to spend as much time with him. 

Nick pretty much self-taught himself a lot of things. He made his first best friend when he was a Sophomore. She was a simple girl, but had really original and creative ideas, and was pretty smart too. They worked on a lot of projects together, and had an amazing bond. When they became Juniors, the girl tried confessing but Nick accidentally friendzoned her and didn’t realize it until eons later. She was heartbroken and her brother found out, and bullied the hay out of Nick. Nick tried distancing himself away from the girl as much as he could. 

Geo never noticed the bruises and scratches, and Nick kept it that way, and he was still determined to become somewhat part of space exploration. He went to college early at 16 (young people going to college early was allowed by Cierun) with a scholarship to earn a bachelor’s degree in astronomy and space science. Something something he was accepted into NASA yay. His mental state of mind was pretty sucky at the time, he hadn’t talked to Geo in awhile, he had to pull up alot of all-nighters. 

Suddenly, Sirius had disappeared, cities were being mysteriously bombed, and Geo and Nick were drafted into the war. Nick was 20, Geo was 22. They went to military camps to train, and soon, they were sent to the battle field. Nick watched strangers die, he watched his brother become more empty, he was the same in emotion but it always seemed like he was faking. Nick felt uneasy, he knew he needed to get out of this. As long as he escapes Cierun, he’ll be fine. 

Nick left a note for Geo and went out into the dark forest, and simply trudged all the way until he was out of Cierun. He knew he'd probably be charged of draft evasion if he ever returned home but he hoped Cierun doesn't write down every name. He started working for NASA again in a different state. He worked with a team to create an experimental re-entry vehicle designed by NASA to research a possible emergency crew return vehicle for the International Space Station. He was very proud of the design and the team. He even tested the vehicle himself, before it was forced to eventually be cancelled.

Nick was disappointed, and pretty sad, the thing he worked his whole life had pretty much been a waste. He was eventually kicked out of NASA, claimed to be ‘a waste of space.’ He hesitantly moved back to Cierun, they had stopped drafting for a short amount of time, as Sirius hadn’t attacked in a month. Nick didnt face any charges for draft evasion so he returned home. He picked up writing music again but it was short-lived as wow Sirius attacked and drafting stuff oh no. We tried leaving again but Geo stopped him, he kept telling him that he can’t keep running away, and to defend their home but they both knew this was never it. 

Nick manages to escape again, and this time he went to live at the base yay this sucked so bad dshghjsfhfh