Koi Fish



3 years, 10 months ago




Name Koi Fish
NICK NAME(S)Tsundere Fish
Age 16
Gender Female
Height 5'2
Build Short and Full
Race Fish


Koi is an rp oc, her backstory is from her first rp.

Koi is a normal student at Made Up High, a school filled with many different species. She's a fish/water monster, but she's not the weirdest creature the school has, infact her unique status makes her a bit popular. However, her long time "best friend" Estella is not too happy with Koi's high status with the other students. One day Estella invited Koi to go clean up a pond with her and another misfit, Ferno, a red fire rabbit. He probably would've been popular but his aggressive and pathetic personality makes it hard for people to stand him. The pond cleaning went just fine, Ferno acted pathetic and Estella decided to show off how long she could hold her breathe to Koi who can breathe under water.
Later that evening Estella and Ferno dragged Koi out of her kiddie poo to go clean up the beach. While she loves saving bodies of water from trash, she also liked her sleep. At the beach she got into a spat with Estella, who wanted to fly over the ocean to pick up the trash that was at the bottom of the ocean. Ferno got upset with Koi for judging Estella and decided to attack her. He flung fire balls at her, through punches, and at one point picked her up and held her off the ground. Koi was sure he was going to kill her.
After that she didnt hang out with Estella and Ferno as much, which the two of them were unhappy with. They decided to pester her and follow her around, Ferno even went as far as sending a pixie to watch her every move. One day when she decided to give Estella a second chance she was chased by the pixie who took a human form. Now since a grown man was following her and her friend she made a break for it, sprinting into an alley to get away. In the alley she broke down into tears begging the thing to stop following her, its answer was to kill itself. After it killed itself the pixie that followed Estella around went feral. It turned into a big muscular being and almost squeezed Koi to death.

It took 7 months of intense therapy and moving to a different town for Koi to be able to function again. In the span of 2 months she had almost been killed twice, stalked, and harassed by the same red fire rabbit.


birthday July 20
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neutral
Sign Gemini
Flower Coral
color Bright Red



  • Videogames
  • Her adopted big sis, Ashley
  • Girls



  • Magic
  • Show offs and loud people
  • Fire and flying
  • Pollution
  • Her mom is a sea water elemental and her dad is a fresh water elemental, she can breath in both fresh and salt water
  • She can manipulate water and do tricks with it, but due to her fear of magic, she does not use it 
  • She sufferers from severe ptsd and her main triggers are, red rabbits, fireworks, heights and flying, ghosts, balls of light, and alley ways.
  • At night she sleeps in a kiddie pool filled with water



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