


3 years, 10 months ago


he/him , bisexual 

spritz is reckless, overprotective, and a bit of meanie. he’s definitely one to tease you,  but also to hype you up. he’ll make little jokes, but he’ll contain himself more when he knows that your sensitive (ex. tammy). however, he means it all in good fun, and that’s just how he shows affection. pulling pranks and reading comics are his favorite pastimes, along with playing sports (he’s very competitive). despite a rough exterior, spritz is very protective of his bros and would rather not be shown physical affection, only accepting it from his brothers.

spritz is brothers with trixx  and tammy, and while they may not be biologically related, they might as well be. they’ve been together since they were bitty bats, and they’ve stuck together ever since. they wouldn’t trade eachother for the world.

spritz is usually the one to stand up and look out for his brothers, being surprisingly protective over trixx and tammy, even while he may not admit it. he loves them to death and would do anything to protect them.