


3 years, 9 months ago


Life is a party, don't forget that!
Broken heart


Hani it's a 20 years old water-dwelling demon , although he doesn't have a demonic appearance he can change when he is in the water, looking like a beast similar to a triton, in this form he can swim pretty fast and doesn't need to breath for a long time.

He's a part time childminder, who enjoys to go party from time to time and make friends with strangers. Descendant of the Izora family, although at the moment he doesn't have a good relationship with his parents and lives in an apartment with his best childhood friend.

Name Hani
Age 20
Gender Male
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Childminder
  • Wears makeup.
  • Pastel/warm colors.
  • Doesn't wear black on his clothes.
  • Green eyes.
  • Usually wears crop tops and earrings.
Show 'em what you're worth
"Why is someone interviewing me?"
Q: What do you normally carry in your pockets?

Han: My cell phone, some candys, wallet, keys and in a pocket inside my jacket it's my emergency makeup. I can't leave my house without it.

Q: So what is your biggest fear?

Han: Probably lightning bolts and spiders, i mean y'know how scary those bugs are? with all of their e-eyes. *shiver.

Q: Do you have a middle name?

Han: Umm actually yes, Hani it's amm... more like a nickname but everyone know me like that so i don't mind introducing myself like that, anyway it sounds a lot like my middle name "Hans", my first name it's Benjamin but i don't like it tho, so don't expect me to turn when you call my by honey.

Opinions on...
"Boyfriend who isn't really my boyfriend"
"My sweet, cutie, beauty, girlfriend!"
"Insert a short sentence or opinion here."

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IDGAF Dua lipa
Firework Katy perry
New rules Dua lipa
Shake it off Taylor Swift