Epoch Showers



4 years, 1 month ago




Name: Draculaura

Age: 1,599 (I can't wait for my sweet 1600th)

Monster Parent: Count Dracula

Killer Style: I love to splash my black outfits with some cheery pink, and I even carry a frilly umbrella so I can take an occasional walk in the sun.

Freaky Flaw:  Since I can’t see my reflection in a mirror, I have to leave the house not knowing if my clothes and makeup are just right. Of course, after 1,599 years of practice, I’ve gotten pretty good at it. 

Pet: Count Fabulous is my BFF (Bat Friend Forever), he’s a very proud and proper bat but I just can’t help but dressing him in the cutest little outfits.

Favorite Activity: I love smiling, laughing, and encouraging my friends.

Biggest Pet Peeve: The lack of vegetarian selections in the Monster High creepateria is so sad.

Favorite Subject: Creative Writing. It gives me a chance to write sweet stories about my friends.

Least Favorite Subject: Geography. After 1,599 years I’ve been everywhere… twice.

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Food: I’m a vegetarian, no icky blood for me, so it’s fruits, vegetables and a lot of iron supplements.

BFFs: Frankie Stein & Clawdeen Wolf

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