Jakin's Comments

Omggg this friend would be so perfect for Jackie ❤️ , I bet it would make me draw her more lol

Characters mentioned are all in my runaway folder

This friend would be basically Jackie’s wingman (and it’s a bit fitting since his name is jakin) I know I told myself I’m not supposed to be thinking abt Neptune and friends but jakin is so cute. I bet he would have gotten so worried when Jackie disappeared for a while exploring neptunes world, and confused and possibly a bit jealous (like he was being replaced) when Jackie brought Neptune back with her to teach him how to live. 

Jakin probably wouldn’t have magic, if so it would be simple and basic, like mild healing magic, compared to his highly powerful friends (Jackie can travel almost anywhere she can think of, especially on a full moon, and Neptune literally has access to almost any magical power if he really tries) so I imagine it would be difficult for jakin emotionally. He would probably get along with cash, Pickasso, and Chantecker, probably joining the boys gang as all of them don’t really use any magic. 

I know he’s free or best offer, and I feel bad cuz he has so much art and I don’t have a ton to offer, I can draw a fullbody for you though, literally anything but preferably no characters with fade patterns where the colors blur together, my brain can’t handle those I overthink those designs wayyy too badly when drawing them :> if it’s simple characters I can probably do 2, let me know your thoughts I know it’s not worth jakin too much but I just love the bordy kibby so much I really don’t mind if you take your time thinking over this offer

No no no, it's fine! Really. It is free obo, so I don't really need an offer, but I really appreciate it, and I like your idea. How do you feel about doing a bust of Bonnie?

I totally can :) I'll throw on some basic shading too, do you want me to just color drop from the fullbody you drew a while back with his hoodie on?

honestly any is probably fine, especially if it's my art, i'm not picky on that and it should all be the same. 

awesome ill work on it later tonight cuz im watchin a movie with my family rn :)

Enjoy the movie!

Also take your time <3

3 Replies