


9 years, 1 month ago


Name: Jieun
Height: 176cm
Birthdate: 02. November
Zodiac: Scorpio
Bloodtype: B+
Status: TAKEN
Loyal,  Observant, Mocking, Loving tho,
Jealous, Suspicious, Sceptical, A bit negative

Info about Illness
Hemolytic Anemia (Lucky to only have a mild case)
This Illness causes premature destruction of red blood cells. The bone marrow can't make red blood cellsfast enough to meet the body's needs.
Well and this can make him really fatiqued, he can feel lightheaded or dizzy or weak + his skin is rather pale
This is why he will need  some bloodbags from time to time depending on how he feels~~

Likes-  dark-cute style; sweets, juggling, the circus

Dislikes- Tight and cramped spaces, too much darkness, yelling, too much stress, the circus

Things he can do well: Throw knifes, swallow swords, juggle, can ride on a unicycle and perform tricks on it
Things he can do alright: walk the tightrope, Breathing fire,
Things he outright refuses: airstunds-- anything that's in midair and needs a lot of trust, escape artist acts, working with animals or kids

--was being held captive inside a circus and got abused by his superiors
-- loves the circus but can't stand the treatment he's receiving
-- likes to juggle a lot-- even in his freetime he sometimes does it to waste time