


3 years, 10 months ago


Varice is a tiefling barbarian! 


He is certainly not the smartest in any group of people, so he just makes up for that by having a good heart and great instinct, and always following through on those. He tends to think with his heart more than his head, and this can lead to some poor and sometimes selfish decisions, but he can be counted on to come through when he's needed!

Varice is often fairly vain. He's proud of his form and his physical fighting skills, and he isn't afraid to show that. When he's bored you can find him sparring or trying to find someone who could give him a run for his money in a brawl. Sometimes he'll claim that he trains so much because he wishes to be strong enough to protect those around him, and while that isn't technically a lie, he feels more joy from the energy of the fight than he does prospecting on how his abilities could be used in the future.

He lives in the present more than anything else, and while he may sometimes reminisce on what he could've done differently, he has and will continue to accept his past as it happens, realizing most times that what's done is done, and that he can't do much to change it.