.King Nym.



7 years, 8 months ago


Nym is the current reigning King of Nightmares and his aspect is Sickness. He is a proud and boisterous ruler who's more or less a father to everyone in his dominion. He's the kind of person beloved by all, someone who charms others with a conversation or an off-handed look. He's open and approachable, a quality many of the royal family lack, and because of that he's popular with the other Nightmares. The one person he can't charm is the one he'd love most to-- Fei, King of Daydreams. Once childhood friends, Nym still feels deeply for his lost companion, who has since grown up without him. In his youth, Nym was more rowdy and outgoing- caring little for the royal system. He did what he wanted and went where he pleased, often horsing around with other Dreams and Nightmares alike. He'd always been close with the Prince of Daydreams, Fei, who he shared a special bond with- even though their families were caught up in a feud. If things had turned out differently, they could've easily been lovers. But that's not how fate worked out. One day, their meetings were discovered, and Fei was locked away, leaving only Nym.

Nym's deepest secret is that he orchestrated, or at the very least greatly assisted in, the spread of a massive plague after the third world war so that he and Fei could ascend to the throne. He knew the only way to meet his old friend again was to join him in coronation, bringing the two back together again. He knew he could manipulate the zeitgeist by pretending to be a human plague doctor and taking matters into his own hands, and that he did. So, due to his meddling, he and Fei were crowned Kings and took to the throne. It took a long time for their friendship to rekindle, because at first, they didn't talk. Nym wasn't sure how to approach Fei after all the time that had passed, and Fei's cold front made it difficult if not impossible for Nym to approach him. When their sons, Switch and Fix, stumbled into their own unlikely friendship, this forced a conversation between the two that ended their stalemate. They rekinedled their friendship from there, and eventually Nym confessed the romantic feelings he'd been harboring for Fei since their youth, and Fei reciprocated them. The two are now formally in a relationship.

Nym does harbor remorse for what he did to gain this freedom, however, and he tries wherever he can to try and make it up to the human race he helped to plague with sickness. He doesn't know whether the plague would've spread without him, but he laments his role in it regardless.

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