【 ✦ yongjae ✦ 】 (【 ✦ hs ✦ 】)



1 year, 6 months ago



  • singing
  • being alone
  • his guitar
  • figure skating
  • his hair
  • crime docus | horror
  • fashion
  • his cat, Naarah
  • accomplishments


  • rude people (ironic)
  • being told what to do
  • alcohol + drugs (lenient)
  • group activities
  • children
  • being interrupted
  • greasy food
  • expressing feelings
  • misplacing items


  • He grew out his hair because he liked feeling the rush of air while skating. Despite its length, Yongjae doesn't know how to style it beyond a basic ponytail and buns. He doesn't like to ask people to style it for him
  • Yongjae's grandparents adore him and spoil him more than his parents do
  • He does not want to take over the business, would rather hand it over to his close cousin who is a much better fit to run it
  • His best friend was his only friend since childhood, since he didn't know how to talk to people. Often went to the karaoke with him. Yongjae cut ties after an incident involving alcohol and drugs
  • His attitude on ice is drastically different from his attitude off ice. On ice, he looses himself to the rhythm. While off ice he's more aware of his surroundings and avoids anything that might be a threat to his ego
  • Naarah has her own Instagram page
  • He ocassionally posts videos of himself singing on YouTube. He hides his face with various masks and gained traction because of that along with his unique voice


𝕡𝕠𝕤.【 ✦ calm ✦ earnest ✦ insouciant ✦ puntual ✦ witty ✦ 】

𝕟𝕖𝕦.【 ✦ boyish ✦ competitive ✦ formal ✦ mellow ✦ subjective ✦ 】

𝕟𝕖𝕘.【 ✦ arrogant ✦ complacent ✦ demanding ✦ judemental ✦ irritalbe ✦ 】

" ✦ I have everything under control ✦ "


Yongjae keeps to himself unless necessary. Due to his self imposed strict routine, Yongjae doesn't make time for group activities. His casual indifference to outtings allow him to have more time for himself to sing, play guitar, and skate. Due to the nature of his childhood, he's demanding. He doesn't let something go until he has his way. People started calling him the Ice Prince during high school. He would turn down every invitation to social gatherings and acted like an arrogant prick on ice. He showed off when skated by preforming stunts the others struggled at. He prides himself in his skills, and if he starts talking, he won't shut up about it. Despite that, when he talks he is extremely formal. He doesn't want to be casual with anyone. He wants to maintain a distant relationship with everyone so that he doesn't end up getting hurt. He's quite good at being mellow. Even if something seems interesting to him, he won't show it if he's out in public. He'll put up an air of being judgemental, which is partly a lie.

The figure skater is always punctual to places. His clockwork routine gives him no room to slack off, because he also walks everwhere. He likes to time everything and if things don't go according to plan he grows irritable. He's a creature of habit. He has to get things done in the order he placed otherwise he overworks himself fixing the slip up. He does this calmly because it will only make things worse if he panics. He likes to be in control of his schedule.

On the flipside, Yongjae is extremely boyish. He likes to be playful among friends, however he doesn't put in the effort to make any. It eats up too much of his time. He results in being witty with the little conversation he does make with people. While he's formal, if the other party dishes out uncalled for criticism he'll slap some back right at them. If they can dish it out, they'll have to deal with it too. He'll speak his mind if he gets pushed too far. This oftens ends in him making rude and subjective remarks to ward the person off.

He's truly in a state of calm when he's either creating music or when he's on ice. In both forms of art he can express his inner most feelings. His routines on ice often reflect a provocative nature that he doesn't show in normal circumstances. Similarly, his songs are sorrowful even if they have an upbeat rhythm. He writes his own routine music, which can be quite difficult sometimes. His brain is hardwired for a certain theme that he wants to express. Anything against that doesn't come easy.



Lee Yongjae was born to the CEOs of a high profile bar chain. As an only child, Yongjae was was spoiled with whatever he wished at any given moment. He picked up learning the guitar thinking it would make him look as cool as the people singing at his parent's bars. Along with playing guitar, he took singing lessons to strengthen his voice. His parents would have him sing for their guests during formal parties. He quickly started to feel like a token child. He told his parents he didn't want to sing anymore. However, he secretly went to sing at karaoke bars after school. They grew suspicious. Since a young age, Yongjae expressed that he didn't want to take over their business. His parents didn't think he was serious so they struck a bargain with him. They wouldn't bother him about taking over the business if he made a name for himself. He chose figure skating on a whim. He had gone skating a couple times and wasn't too bad at it. As years went by, Yongjae looked forward to skating. He loved the feeling. He began looking into doing competitions. He wasn't the best to begin with. At the age of 15, he won his first silver medal at a regional competition. This fueled him to strive harder.


While the classy young couple wanted him to take over their business, they wanted him to focus on his studies and training for the time being. They set a curfew for him to be at home right after his training, at 8 o'clock in the evening. However, they couldn't implement their rules as strictly as they would have liked. At a young age, Yongjae always gifted with the smarts. He placed close to first, if not the top in his class. He was also excelling at figure skating. He took this as permission to do as he pleases. Yongjae often snuck out with his school friend to a local karaoke bar. The friend often brought along alcohol, which Yongjae had no qualms about drinking. After an incident, he learned this friend wasn't good for him and cut ties. He was friendless, but it didn't matter. He enjoyed his hobbies much more than hanging out with people.


Winning regional and national medals wasn't enough for Yongjae. To fully make a name for himself, he needed to win a worldwide competition. Naturally, he needed professional training. His instructors recommended Seungri as one of the best institutes to further his training.



half black ✦ half blonde




inverted triangle ✦ meso-ectomorph ✦ the hips don't lie

  • Naarah is a silver gradient Scottish Fold kitten
  • Yongjae usually wears his hair plain or in a high ponytail
  • Frequently wears turtlenecks when it's cold. His sense of fashion takes inspiration from street fashion mixed with formal wear
  • Yongjae carries his guitar in a hard case everywhere
  • Despite owning a car, Yongjae prefers to walk everywhere to stretch his legs out and strengthen his body
  • He has a strict schedule. His routine walk is around campus, ice rink, karaoke, and dorm. He rarely veers from his routine
  • He sports the color red and black a lot
  • He doesn't talk often, but if someone mouths off to him, he'll return the favor
  • His family lives in Gangnam-gu. That's where the 01 bar is located
  • His parents have been involved in some scandals that died down over the years
  • He says no to any outting involving alcohol
  • Is often mistaken for a girl

" ✦ there's a reason why my heart beats ✦ "

For the time being, Yongjae wishes to make a name for himself as a figure skater. He wants to win gold and show it off to his parents. If he does that maybe they'll stop pressuring him to run a business he doesn't want. He'll keep competeing until his parents realize that as a fact. Well, even after they realize it, he won't stop competeing.

For the far future, he wants to travel the world and record himself singing at various locations. What for? His own keepsake or to post them online? He doesn't know the answer to that yet.


" ✦ weirdo ... ✦ "

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