Corvus Renwyk



3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Corvus Renwyk
Species: Raven
Sexual Orientation: 
Relationship Status: 
Taken by Asktheswanprincess 


Location: Kingdom of Rok

Voice claim: TBD

Personality: Corvus is charm personified! Born with a silver tongue -or rather a gold tongue as that is his preferred precious metal- the King of Rok is capable of charming the very shirt off your back... or you to his bed~
He is not at all the broody type as is associated to his species. As a matter of fact, Corvus is more the curious, adventurous, playful and rather naughty fellow! Hardly taking his duties as serious as one of his occupation should! It's a wonder he is King at all! HA!
In reality, Corvus is more a menace if he is not kept in check. Otherwise he may or may not -ahem- 'borrow' a trinket or two. Mostly of the shiny variety. Oh but he cannot help that, it is in his nature to take shinies after all!

The Kingdom of Rok, located at the very peak of a mountain where the clouds encircles it's edge, almost making it look as if it is floating in the sky, is the home of Corvus Renwyk, who came upon the throne when he was very young and we shall leave it at that. Not that such a tragedy left an impact on the young King (at least as one could see); on the contrary! As Corvus was quite young when it happened, he was fortunate to have a loyal staff, who took it upon themselves to raise the young King. In truth, Corvus would never truly feel such a loss.

Unfortunately, despite the good intentions of the staff, the young King was left.... Spoiled.

Very spoiled.

Though he had no need of want and received whatever his heart desired, eventually that grew boring for Corvus. In fact, Corvus felt like his life was rather... dull.

That was when the young king took it upon himself to procure his own wants in his own ways -he went in search of fun and excitement and took to sneaking away when he felt the need to do so (which was all the time in his opinion). All Corvus wanted was a thrill, be it by any means! By adventures! In Treasures! In stealing the hearts of both men and women alike -anything! Everything! Corvus wanted it all and then some! Never knowing that he was only trying to fill a void in his heart that he did not even know was there!

That was, until his latest adventure, which lead him to a certain Kingdom, to crash a certain masquerade, where he would meet a certain Princess and feel that void begin to fill little by little...

Likes: Flying through a storm, fencing, 'borrowing' trinkets, anything shiny, lazying about, decadent sweets (of the chocolate variety please and thank you). Until recently, a good book (and lap to lay ones head on while reading said book)

Dislikes: Storms, staying away too long from his darling Colette, a certain Goose Prince named Lewis, the ocean, being too cold (feeling lonely...)