Vincent Cockerel



3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Vincent Cockerel
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Rooster
Orientation: Bi
Relationship Status: Engaged 

Occupation: Prince and soon to be King

Location: Kingdom of Gallus

Voice Claim: TBD

Personality: Vincent is a self-assured and self-reliant man who exudes a suave and sophisticated character -so very cool-headed! His manners are charming, which make him a likable sort -certainly the sort of personality one would expect from a prince of a Kingdom. However, his self-confidence can make him seem a little... conceited. After all, no one thinks more highly of himself than... well.. himself! And likable as he may be, he can also be very stubborn; his no-nonsense approach to certain matters can make him one to avoid. Though Vincent see's it as simply being practical and realistic -others (like his siblings) find it more... insincere. Which is not entirely the case! He simply has so much on his shoulders and has his family reputation to amend...

Background: Vincent Cockerel was the first born of King Reyes and Queen Carlota of Gallus, the Kingdom of which he would one day rule. The first few years of his life were spent as normal as one would expect a Prince's life to be. His education was made his first priority, yet he was not left without the doting affections of his mother and father, who were very proud of their clever young son. And he was happy to welcome his sister into the family not long after his 7th year...

Sadly, at the age of 10, Vincent's life would come to a screeching halt. A terrible plague, affecting only those of the avian variety, swept across various kingdoms, and Gallus was not spared from its devastation.

Many had fallen to such a terrible sickness and the Queen was no exception....

With his mother gone and Vincent's father having fallen into despair over having lost his wife, Vincent felt it was his duty to remain strong, for his father -his kingdom- and himself. Though he grieved for his mother, he fought through his grief so that he would remain steadfast, never wishing to be seen as weak before his people or his siblings -more so while they made to rebuild in the wake of their misfortune. And this mindset he carries with him well into his adult hood, though it's become much harder now, while having to endure the secret shame of his fathers amorous affair not long before his mother had passed....

Likes: Punctuality and keeping everything in order. A good nights rest. Playing his mandolin. Exotic foods, but any dish that includes corn is an automatic favorite! Listening to good music, and dancing with an equally good partner. Enjoys a good play or opera -anything with the theater he finds delightful. Some peace and quiet. Warm weather. 

Dislikes: Being late for anything or having to rush anywhere. Moments where situations are out of his control (simply having no sense of control makes him uneasy, which in turn makes him snappy and he hates to be snappy). The debacles caused by his siblings (or in some cases, his father). Oh yes...

And his Father.