


3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Night-Bite  Sex: Doe  Species: Totoma
Obtained through: RLC Twin Breeding Special

Parents: Other Worlds Than These and Bites-Off
Clutchmates: Unnamed, Unnamed, The World Aloft, and Stars Guide to Victory

Most of the time, Bite is pleasant enough. She's averagely interactable, albeit a bit curt on occasion.
Tends to keep "messy" emotions under wraps to appear "professional". At night, she's a stealthy hunter
who preys on the unsuspecting. As she has no intention of getting caught, she's not discriminatory
with who she picks as her targets

Name origin: Bite took inspiration from her father, who she always saw nipping other kin and picking fights. She saw nothing wrong with doing the same, but others led her to believe otherwise. Rather than changing her ways, she took to the cover of night to keep her safe from the repercussions. She'd sneak up on others in the dark and take a chomp out of them, but otherwise leave them alone. Eventually, she was outed doing so and given the name 'Night-Bite' as a warning. She decided to keep it, though she moved on to other kin she could continue to catch unaware