.Miyu's Comments

do you want the icon without the watermark?

no ty

heyhey :'o i kno u don't know me but would you take offers on this pretty gal? i rlly like her sobs

Sure thing! I'm mainly looking for another design by niice but feel free to offer!

http://toyhou.se/ApplePiie/characters/folder:unsorted/order:name/1 who do u like from mi charas sobs :'o not just here i mean anybody sobs

i could possibly give http://toyhou.se/1037483.nn#3809195 :'o since neru is my sona and elenoir is idk dear to me if yuo want mor i can also offer som art :'o like a fullbody

hey umm

did yu think abt it? sorry I'm rlly clingy sobb

its fine! but i did n i think I'm gonna hold onto her for now aa sorry ;o;!

14 Replies