
  • Kallisti Lemonpie

  • age 20
  • gender Female, she/her
  • SpeciesHuman
  • AlignmentChaotic Neutral
  • OccupationUniversity Student


The only daughter in the Lemonpie family, Kallisti is a rowdy university student studying fashion. She's very angy and rebellious compared to her chill brother.

She rejects the family name and does not want to be involved with the family business. Thinking that she adhering to her parents' plan of reviving the legacy is stupid, she rebels by following her passion of designing clothes.

 "I'm not siding with THOSE capitalistic MONSTERS!" 

height 1.77 m / 5' 9''

birthday 1st August

Body type A chub couch potato


Sexuality Bisexual

Relationship status Single


Current Location Fairweather


  • people!
  • fashion!
  • walks!
  • revolution.


  • her family (and the colour green)
  • vegetables
  • the taste of sheep
  • the system


  • She is a human with light, pinkish skin.
  • Her hair is wild and short. It resembles the sharp leaves of red kale. She also has a cowlick.
  • Her face is round with a slight "cheek".
  • Her eyes are square and light pink in colour. She has a small eyelash at the end of each eye.
  • Her eyebrows are long and angular, whereas her nose is long and slim.
  • She wears a helix earring at each ear.
  • She's a chub in terms of body type.
  • Her fashion style is bold with hues mainly in the pinks (sometimes purple-pinks). Floofy jackets, ripped jeans, asymmetrical clothes, you get the aesthetic.
  • There is no sign of her kale insignia anywhere ever.

Fun Facts

  • Her favourite colour is pink.
  • She likes new, modern fashion.
  • She is modelled after red kale.
  • She likes to listen to punk.
  • She is a communist???
  • Her outfits never include her Kale insignia.
  • She has a twin brother, Kyle.


[ unfortunate twin ] If they really are twins, how come her brother did not realise he was being dragged to a corporate hellhole by their parents? Kallisti wildly dislikes her brother for going along with her father's capitalistic schemes. She argues with him when she is home. Weirdly enough, he stays too calm for all that tension.



[ corrupted brother ] And they have claimed yet another one. Another innocent soul corrupted to the core. Kallisti has tried to change Brocc's mind about the "business" route, but it has been of no use... She dislikes her brother but not as much as she dislikes K y l e.



[ corrupted father ] This-- This guy. Right? He did this. He tried reinforcing this-- this regime of consumerism on his children. In Kallisti's eyes, Cabal is true evil. She never talks to him, not that he is ever there for one to talk to.

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