


3 years, 9 months ago



Name brightjay
Gender tom
Rank oracle
Age 39 moons
Apprentice none


Brightjay is a pessimistic, rather grouchy tom who, in general, is just having a rough time mentally. He struggles with his self-worth and crippling anxiety, particularly because he has been given (what has come to be known) the abilities of a seer. He resents his position, and resents that the ancestors chose him to be their vessel. He is an unwilling participant and in general just wishes he could be normal and fade into the background.

Many seek greatness, but for some, greatness is thrust upon them without regard to how the individual will react. This is the case of Brightjay, who cares not of destiny or his abilities, but would much rather simply live his life in quiet. Things happen for a reason, but brightjay can't seem to find it within himself to have that kind of hope. His pessimistic demeanor only serves to further his feelings towards the whole ordeal. He doesn't want to be selected, what he wants more than anything is a normal life.

Brightjay was born with purpose, but it is a purpose he resents greatly, and when the time comes for him to serve his purpose he does it all begrudgingly. Constantly he fights the tether that pulls him towards the conflict, but in the end he never does sever that tether. He was born with a purpose, and despite him wanting to ignore it, the impossible truth is that he is far more than any average cat. In the end he learns to accept that, and learns to embrace the power he has been given. Though he may be far from the life he envisioned for himself, he accepts that he is far luckier than many of his clanmates who never got a life at all.


pale ginger and tan swirled tabby with blue eyes

of about average height, fluffy with a nub for a tail and large, tufted ears.

Design Notes

  • Design is fairly loose, feather is not optional
  • No scars

  • Bright for his piercing blue eyes
  • Jay for the bird that came to eveningstar in her dreams about him.
  • Although pessimistic and grouchy, that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy life sometimes, albeit hesitantly.
  • His role as a seer is known within the clan, and though not a formal rank, he is given more respect than the average warrior.
code by jiko