


3 years, 10 months ago


Basic Info
Name Chiaki
Nickname Chi
Age 19 y.o
Birthday 15/07
Height 159 cm
Gender Female
Species Half "selkie"
Origin Japan
Ethnicity Japanese
Blood Type ???
Orientation Heterosexual
Occupation Studant
Status Alive - Taken
Worth ???
  • Water/Sea
  • Swim
  • Her boyfriend's hug
  • Bubble tea
  • Fashion
  • Play videogames
  • Dry weather
  • Take photos
  • Crowds
  • Argue with her boyfriend
  • Regret something
  • Egocentric people
  • She usually likes to be well informed about what is happening.
  • She constantly posts photos on her social medias but she is a very private person in r.l always trying to not draw too much attention.
  • To her what she posts on her profile are like a big album of good memories she had, treasuring it.
  • One of her hobbies is to try new clothes and styles, sometimes working as a temporary model to small clothes shops.
  • When she was younger she competed in swimming championships and even won some medals, but she stopped when she got in high school.
Honest . Kind . Patient . Dedicated

She usually have a really hard time when it comes to express her affection to someone, seeming to be someone cold for who don't know her very well. She is also very honest about what she thinks and say it straightforward no matter who is it. The same appllies to when she doesn't agree with something, being rude sometimes without knowing, what makes her feel bad after realizing. Still hating taking photos she likes to update her social medias with things she like, sometimes selfies, food and clothes sometimes photos of her boyfriend making funny faces, the game she is playing and aleatorie photos of good moments. She doesn't care too much for what others says about her but when if hits some gap of her self esteem it makes her feel really sad what she tries to hide, failing when it comes to Yumeno. In general she doesn't have a low self esteem, but when it comes with her personality and social abilities she get uneasy, because she thinks she is a boring person and no one would ever really like her.


[Coming Soon...]

Yumeno | Boyfriend

She tries to show the more afecction she can to him, but she is really bad at it and struggles a lot. When she find courage to take some action or say something romantic she get really embarrassed. She wants to stay with him as much as possible, what she doesn't usually show because she thinks that Yumeno will eventually get tired of her. She find really funny how bad he is with technology. She really like when Yumeno puts her inside his blouse and hugs her, she thinks is really cozy what makes her feel safe and embarrassed, but she can't say it to him. Someday she wants to take him in a trip to somewhere close to the sea and watch the sunset just the two of them from there.

Kurome Ito | Bestfriend

They met in their freshman year in high school and stay together until now. Chiaki always supported him with his dreams. When he wanted to start recording dance videos and hadn't enough confidence to do so, she borrowed her clothes to him and gave a lot of advises.

Hiroki | Good friend

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